ForumsWEPRWorst War in History

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29 posts

I think it would have to be world war 2 because of all the lives that were lost

  • 617 Replies
338 posts

Ya but the difference was the amount of time the wars took place

I could say that it wasnt as bad because not only did less people die then in WW2 but it was also less people dieing per day.

WW2 = approx. 33,000 deaths per day
NAM = approx. 700 deaths per day

Also who gives a fuck if we(USA) lost we are only one of the many countries in the world the fact that we lost the war shouldnt even be a factor in the worst war in HISTORY. WW2 took place on almost ALL of Europe and several other countries and included forces from almost every country in the world.
270 posts

I'd like to toss my two cents in for the Hundreds Year War. Just about everybody alive on the entire planet at the start of that war was dead when it was over!!!


9,821 posts

Taiping Rebellion is that the Chinese verse Imperilaism?

Imperialism was where you'd attack and conquer territories. . .it was one of the causes for WWI. . . .

The Taiping Rebellion happened a long time ago. Google it.
310 posts

Exactly none can be worse than the other they were all the same..

so you're saying a world war is just as bad as... I dunno something infinately smaller but still warlike?

I don't claim that all wars are exactly the same. I do however think of it this way, if you disregard the names that we put on these wars (whether in the beginning or in the aftermath) all of history starts to look like one continuious war. As it is we give wars differant titles because the reasons for them and the places they are fought change.
310 posts

... depression? let me give you some advice... instead of looking back nad getting bad vibes.... (vibes?) look forward son... you're not doing yourself very well thinking that way. And you can't blame people for 'having continuos war'. we are flawed, and there are many

Yes I am someone who has struggled with depression but that is beside the point. I will ask you politely to not refer to me as "son", I am not a boy and I am not your "son". I will also point out that I feel I am doing no worse to myself then others are in debating what the worst war in history was. Would it really be worse if there had been no pauses in war? Even in both world wars there have been places to which the fighting did not extended. Yes these wars included troops from nearly every country in the world but many places only experianced the fighting at a distance through media. I must say as well that when I look forward the picture is much the same. As you said we are flawed. One of those flaws is humanities inablity to set aside differances in physical appearance, religious beliefs, and personal opinions. I myself am not immune to these flaws and make no claims to be. It is because of these flaws though that there will continue to be wars.
364 posts

The Cold War was NOT a real war! It was the nuclear stand-off between the USA and the Soviet Union. There were dozens of &quotroxy wars" during the Cold War (Vietnam, Korea, Mozambique, Angola, Somalia, Afghanistan, Cambodia, Panama, and many more). But they often had motives behind them other than "Communism vs. Capitalism"

Vietnam and Korea weren't wars because war was never officially declared.
They were known as "Police Actions".
But how stupid would that sound? The Korean Police Action?!
364 posts

I'd have to say WWII. Yes, there were many casualties, but you have to consider the excessive amounts of atrocities that were done.
The millions of innocent lives that were taken during the Holocaust and civilian deaths.

Vietnam was a shame. It was a war that should have never started, but because of containment, it was inevitable.
I hate how the soldiers that returned home were spat on, and were not given a heroes welcome.
Protest is one thing, but to humiliate these men who put their lives on the line is stupid and really childish. The only reason they were treated as such was because there high amounts of civilian casualties that took place in Vietnam. It was showed on the news (footage of dead civilians) and people snapped. I have one thing to say to these idiots: It's war you dumbasses, casualties happen. It was much worse in previous wars, so do your weeping there.

310 posts

Any examples? I'm not farmiliar

WW2 and Vietnam (though Vietnam wasn't technically a war according to the government) and the current Iraq War. The U.S. experianced one attack on its territory in World War 2, the bombing of Pearl Harbor. No battles took place in the continential U.S., the major affects were economic and most people only witnessed actual warfare through newspapers and radio. Vietnam was heavily covered by the media of the time but no battles took place in the U.S. so again the American people mostly witnessed it through news coverage. The Iraq War started because of one brutal attack on U.S. soil (some would argue that 9/11 was not the reason the U.S. attacked Iraq at all but it's held up as the most prominant). There were many people directly affected by the events of 9/11 but I am not one of them. I live in the mid-west and thus witnessed the events of that day only through media coverage and the subsequent wars have taken place entirely in foriegns lands. One could argue that homeland security is constently fighting home grown terror cells and plots for attacks on U.S. soil but these are not publicized so the average American knows nothing of them.

If I had to choose one period I suppose it would have to be WW2 because of the atrocities that took place during that period.
1,830 posts

In American history irt was the Civil War. But overall it was World War 2.

5,838 posts

will someone who has said the American Civil War (or similar) becasue it caised the most American deaths/ cost to America explain what makes an American death worse than someone of a different nationality. Barely 600,000 Americans died in the US civil war and (as many posts have said) "that makes it the worst since it killed the most people" Yes it killed the most Americans but NO it did not kill the most people. About 30,000,000 people died in the Mongol Conquests so is an American life worth 50 Asian, Middle Eastern and European people? No, we are all people and don;t think I'm picking on Americans becasue it is only Americans that do it (not all the majorty have some sense to see the bigger picture).

6,800 posts

either civil war (american history) or the roman conquest

310 posts

Oh and the Crusades because people commited terrible acts of violence and tried to justify it with religion.

3,224 posts

people commited terrible acts of violence and tried to justify it with religion.

That doesn't just go for the Crusades, or indeed war, but I get your point.
310 posts

That doesn't just go for the Crusades, or indeed war, but I get your point.

I'm particularly horrified by any wars or violent acts that are commited in the name of religion. There are so many of these through out history that I couldn't even attempt to name them all.
130 posts

it seems to me that the acts that start wars like 9/11 or perl harbor are worse than the war

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