WW II in my opinion. Most lives lost, worst weapons developed etc. I think the position of a Soviet soldier was kinda bad because of the thought "live is nothin".
We need to think if WW2 would not have happened if WW1 would not have. Hitler and his Italian counterpart were going to be born anyway, and Japan was attacking the south-west side of the pasific even before WW2, and Japan wasn't active in WW1.
I agree with 2014631 that for America, the American Civil War was the worst war that arguably never should have been waged. The second war that arguably shouldn't have been waged wasn't even a real war but Reagan's war on drugs that I think was a carry over from the Nixon era? However, you're absolutely correct, MrWalker by stating WWII was, in human carnage alone the worst war ever fought.
Yeah, the Civil War should never have been fought. The southern states had every right to secede from the union and form a sovereign, independent nation.
No, I don't think WWI caused WWII at all. In fact if we look at the social and political standings of Germany in the interwar years we will find a lot of evidence that this is not the case. Therefore it would be unreasonable to assert that WWI caused WWII.
Hey, the Cold War wasn't bad. It gave us nuclear proliferation, rampant communist 'witch hunts' and the space race. Ok, so it was only 2/3 bad.
I was thinking about the space race when I was commenting on the race war, you know, space race war. Things really heated up until someone came up with the idea, thankfully, to let different nationalities join together on space flights.
Have the communist witch hunts truly stopped, or was the media becoming bored with it? The reason I ask is I have a sneaking suspicion which groups are added to the "do not enter the US" list. Anyone know?