True, it's a foolish thing for a country to break and have a civil war, no one wins in the end really, it just sad that fellow countrymen would sink so low as to kill one another. Tragic I'd say mates.
But if you're looking at all nations, then World War II obviousley. More civilians were killed, more cities destroyed, and more soldiers killed than in any other war.
Sorry, forgive my double post I didn't answer the thread's question. I think there is no single worst war. All wars have been bad. In all wars people have died. So, I see no war as the best or the worst.
Vietnam, because from what I hear from family, friends, and acquaintances it really had no purpose, and our men were slaughtered out there.
Even though i am a war mongering Republican *cough cough COUGH*, i would have to NOT AGREE.
We were trying to save innocent citizens from a evil Communist regime.
And it was not Marxism Communism.
Although, we could have done better >.> The reason we lost is that the we refused to go on offense. Every single battle was just defense. We could have slaughtered there asses if we had played offense.