I'll back you up on this one Fyrefox, it's true that there is no worst war, except in people's opinions. They beleive that there is a worst war out there, but in reality, there is no worst war in history.
I think World War II was the worst for deaths per soldier ratio and it lead to the nuclear bomb (yay enough destructive power to destroy the world 5 times over thats useful). English Civil war was pretty bad on a more personal level, obviously most people out there don't care but hey, the death toll was very high, the worst in English history (probably becasue we were figting on both sides) plus it gave Oliver Cromwell the Lord Protectorship of England making it a Republic.
This may not technically a war but I would say that the entire continent of Africa is, and always has been, the worst conflict zone. Africa is never at peace.
[quote]I am going to say the Spanish Inquisition. Not only did a lot of people die for VERY wrong reasons, they burned a lot of books. Around 1550 AD they burned about 16,000 books in one sitting. They burned all books and people with new ideas. This just barely predates the Age of Englightenment, so think about all of those ideas that got lost through the Inquisition. It kind of saddens me.
All wars are horrible. The worst war would be WWII. How does the Inquisition compare? The Inquisition is not even a war. It was not fought between two factions. Anyway, WWII caused the most suffering.
World War II, or the Second World War,[1] (often abbreviated WWII or WW2) was a global military conflict which involved a majority of the world's nations, including all of the great powers,[2] organised into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. The war involved the mobilisation of over 100 million military personnel, making it the most widespread war in history. In a state of "total war", the major participants placed their complete economic, industrial, and scientific capabilities at the service of the war effort, erasing the distinction between civilian and military resources. Over 70 million people, the majority of them civilians, were killed, making it the deadliest conflict in human history.[3]
Well, all wars are bad, all the senseless killing, innocent lives lost. You can't say how bad a war is based on number of lives lost. Each life is priceless. Ban Wars! Peace for the Earth! Support the Pacifist cause! But if it is based on lives...( it's a whole new story)
I think perhaps the Spanish Invasion of the Americas. Three major civilizations were wiped out( Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), the remnants turned into slaves, the culture and religion unique to the continent( although the human sacrifice was glory) wiped out and the population forced to take on another belief that was alien to them. Not too mention most of the nobility and leaders were murdered ( The Incan Emperor was killed even after paying a huge ransom), their cities were left in ruin( to be discovered only a few centuries later), all because the Spanish wanted some gold, fame( for killing innocent people?) and to convert people en masse.
But maybe WWII is also the worst war, for seperating families, millions of lives just thrown away, people tortured( Nazi Camps, Japanese torture centres) and for spawning a most terrible weapon- the Atomic Bomb that would sadly, lead to more world conflict in the form of the Cold War.
I think perhaps the Spanish Invasion of the Americas. Three major civilizations were wiped out( Incas, Aztecs, Mayas), the remnants turned into slaves, the culture and religion unique to the continent( although the human sacrifice was glory) wiped out and the population forced to take on another belief that was alien to them. Not too mention most of the nobility and leaders were murdered ( The Incan Emperor was killed even after paying a huge ransom), their cities were left in ruin( to be discovered only a few centuries later), all because the Spanish wanted some gold, fame( for killing innocent people?) and to convert people en masse.
But maybe WWII is also the worst war, for seperating families, millions of lives just thrown away, people tortured( Nazi Camps, Japanese torture centres) and for spawning a most terrible weapon- the Atomic Bomb that would sadly, lead to more world conflict in the form of the Cold War.
Nice to see your opinion. The Spanish Invasion to me isn't exactly a war but some people believe to be a war, like you.
WWII is horrible and I believe it is the worst because more people died than other wars and it was fought on a global scale.
[/quote]Nice to see your opinion. The Spanish Invasion to me isn't exactly a war but some people believe to be a war, like you.[quote]
Well actually it may not be a war. More a senseless massacre and utter destruction of civilizations. But then again the natives fought back didn't they? ( There was a siege of the Aztec Capital for example) And the Spanish could not subdue some of the natives till years later.