Try talking once you actually have a job, pay taxes,
I'm 16, and I do all of those after school when I go to work.
The capitalist would tell you that the free market, by nature, would benefit everyone. If people are poor and can't afford a product, prices are lowered so people can afford them. If people are lazy, they starve to death. If people work hard, somehow, there will be a job for them.
Problem: There aren't enough jobs for everyone because the wealthy will want to be as profitable as possible.
Yes, you could say places like EU and the United States have made socialist reforms such as public schooling, a national health option, basically a safety net for the poor.
I do not call for a worker's revolution that will completely revamp the economy and kill all rich people, I think there should be steps taken to slowly reform into a socialistic economy.
Things like corporate welfare and lobbyist groups are simply wrong. Why should there be needless deaths, car accidents, and law suits wasting billions of dollars every year because a beer company gave a few million dollars to congress?
Now you assume I am capitalist? I never said I was capitalist, and I never said anything to even support capitalist. I asked a simple question, and you dodged it both times. Now grow up and fetch one of your buddies to answer my question. FYI, you are not a real communist ComradeGamer. Apparently, you know nothing about communism.
Have you ever thought of looking at your previous comments Impact? to me you most definately are a CAPITALIST, oh and by the way falent toer bestali colva tishnil vash toven laken elt .
I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist that agrees with a few of the more peacful vices of communism. Everyone should get something out to the nation they live in, they didn't choose to be born here.
I'm not a communist, I'm a socialist that agrees with a few of the more peacful vices of communism. Everyone should get something out to the nation they live in, they didn't choose to be born here.
You don't like where you're born? You have the right to leave.