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3,675 posts

What my peers here think?

I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.

My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.

Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?

  • 1,508 Replies
1,076 posts

Well, if they cannot be sure that their protection will help, abstinence is the best form of birth control out there. So if you really want to go for it, remember, it takes a village to raise a kid. Meaning, it will take many members or people to raise your kid for the rest of their life, all for your one night of pleasure.

446 posts

The thing is, that there are sometimes when you need to have an abortion to save the mother. The main problem with what mercenary said was that there are many cases where the punishment for being pregnant at a young age like that would be death, which is too extreme. Abortion before the end of the first trimester should be legal for medical reasons, but after the first three months, it is basically murder. Before that, however, the baby is not developed very much. Sometimes, a person needs an abortion. Other times, it's unnecessary.

Medical reasons are understandable. I was talking about doing The deed and not dealing with the consequences. People who do use contraception should fully understand that it is not 100% reliable. Knowing this they should also know that there is a chance that they could become pregnant.

Well, if they cannot be sure that their protection will help, abstinence is the best form of birth control out there. So if you really want to go for it, remember, it takes a village to raise a kid. Meaning, it will take many members or people to raise your kid for the rest of their life, all for your one night of pleasure

Fritz is right abstinence is the the only sure way to guarantee that a girl won't get pregnant. I think the question here is what if the girl was raped then she got pregnant? Morally abortion is not an option but logically it is. This all goes back to the choices we make and the consequences that follow.
9,821 posts

Also, in some cases, abortion would be best for the actual baby. If the mother can't care for the baby, then the baby would have a bad life. It's not always murder; a good deal of the time, it's for euthanasia. Also, the aborted baby wouldn't care because the baby would have no cognitive registration of it's existence.

1,076 posts

I remember a case in Florida, about a girl who was pregnant, and she scheduled an abortion (keep in mind that she's already 5 months pregnant, and not many will abort a fetus that far along) at an abortion clinic. While she was in her operating room, the abortion doctor was late, and she felt contractions, and actually birthed the child 4 months early. The doctor then arrived and killed the baby, since it was what the mother had wanted.

What do you think of that? I think it's downright wrong, you just don't go up and take a baby that is now outside of it's mother, and just kill it.

1,076 posts

I remember a case in Florida, about a girl who was pregnant, and she scheduled an abortion (keep in mind that she's already 5 months pregnant, and not many will abort a fetus that far along) at an abortion clinic. While she was in her operating room, the abortion doctor was late, and she felt contractions, and actually birthed the child 4 months early. The doctor then arrived and killed the baby, since it was what the mother had wanted.

What do you think of that? I think it's downright wrong, you just don't go up and take a baby that is now outside of it's mother, and just kill it.

1,076 posts

@Merciless_Mercenary, thank you very much, as part of my medical training, we did a unit on reproduction, so I know all types and sorts of birth control methods.

9,821 posts

@fritz, a baby that's four months premature would not only die a painful death due to underdevelopment, but even if it somehow survived, it would have so many medical problems that it's life would be constant suffering until the baby died. You should realize that it was only half-developed. It was a euthanasia thing, because a baby born four months premature would live a tortured existence.

1,051 posts

I think abortion should only be allowed in certain situations:
The mother was raped and became pregnant
The mother would die if she gave birth

However, to just have unprotected sex and then get an abortion is being very irresponsible.

1,416 posts

I am pro-choice, but not a single tax dollar should go towards funding abortion. I should not be paying money for the irresponsibility of someone else. The only exception is if the mother is going to die from the pregnancy. Then funding is perfectly logical.

446 posts

A mother should consider that when she is pregnant the decision to abort the child is no longer hers alone. To abort a potentially healthy child because one feels they cannot handle raising a child is SELFISH.

the aborted baby wouldn't care because the baby would have no cognitive registration of it's existence.

How do you Know that? What if the baby knew? What if he/she didn't want to be killed off? When you choose to abort a potentially healthy baby you deprive it of a life it rightfully deserves.
9,821 posts

To abort a potentially healthy child because one feels they cannot handle raising a child is SELFISH.

But aren't there some situations where that baby really can't be supported by the mother, and would lead a terrible life? In some cases, not aborting would be cruel to the baby if the baby would lead a terrible life. Euthanasia is the right thing sometimes.
4,097 posts

I'm pro-choice, but to thisisnotanalt, there is the option of adoption. I believe that abortion should always be allowed in rape cases, or if the mother will die from having the baby. If abortion is ever outlawed, it should be for the irresponsible people who did not think through their actions only.

4,097 posts

r*pe, sorry censored it.

446 posts

But aren't there some situations where that baby really can't be supported by the mother, and would lead a terrible life? In some cases, not aborting would be cruel to the baby if the baby would lead a terrible life. Euthanasia is the right thing sometimes.

If she can't then why can't someone else raise the child? We can never determine a life that has not be lived. So who are we to say it is a terrible one?
9,821 posts

I understand adoption, which would be a worthy alternative, but adoption is expensive, and if the family can't afford it, then the child goes to the foster system or the street. And both of those alternatives would be absolutely hellacious.

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