I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
I understand adoption, which would be a worthy alternative, but adoption is expensive, and if the family can't afford it, then the child goes to the foster system or the street. And both of those alternatives would be absolutely hellacious.
The possibility of the child living in a good family is not that high but the prospect of living a life should never be deprived. People fight for these things because they are of great worth.
Obviously if the child ended up on the streets they would not have much of a chance of surviving, so if that was going to happen then it would be stupid to not have it aborted.
The foster system and abortion would be hard to choose between though, I think it would depend on the case. I understand that when a child is in that, they have a higher chance of developing certain mental problems than a child raised by one set of parents, but if your family does not agree with abortion it might be better to not have it aborted. Like I said, depends on the case.
The foster system and abortion would be hard to choose between though, I think it would depend on the case. I understand that when a child is in that, they have a higher chance of developing certain mental problems than a child raised by one set of parents, but if your family does not agree with abortion it might be better to not have it aborted. Like I said, depends on the case.
True but I would never choose abortion. People can survive it is difficult but they can.
True but I would never choose abortion. People can survive it is difficult but they can.
That's where our opinions differ. That would be your choice though, and women should also have the choice to have it aborted. I think that the government needs to put more regulations on abortion though, make adoption an easier thing to do and such.
I agree Green12324, it would be nicer, but then you could get babies with severe medical issues and the country not telling them, and then the baby dies and the parents are to blame. I'm not saying that that will happen all the time, but there's the possibility, since not all countries are honest about adoption.
I think that could probably happen now, just might show up more if an adoption was easier to set up. Since more people would be choosing it over abortion.
True but I would never choose abortion. People can survive it is difficult but they can.
Survive through a life not worth living? The foster system is just one big whirlpool of abuse and neglect, and a good deal of the children in the foster system have severe violence, depression, and thoughts of suicide afterward. Also, sometimes, if the baby is enough ailed, then abortion would be the morally right thing to do. In some cases, the baby would live a tortured life of living off of life support and in extreme pain it's entire life, the only reason for the baby to live being the parents' selfish desires for a child.
Abortion is bad bad bad bad bad bad bad. bad. Bad. BAD. BAD!. Who are we humans to decide what fate someone gets? Of all the people who we have aborted, how many could've grown up to be Einsteins? Leonardo DaVincis? Beethovens? And also, the government cannot just say "Well, they aren't actually human yet, so it's not murder." So, when are they human? When they can walk? When they can talk? When they can work for a living? And who's to say that it won't stop with young people? Maybe people aren't actually "human" when they lose their ability to work. It's like the book "The Giver". When people got old, they would be "Released". They would actually be killed. Anyone who was different would be "Released".
Im not seeing too much of a woman could kill HER own baby. The Baby living inside of HER, growing. I also dont see how you could kill a living being, and feel no guilt. Thats why they invented the pill or the condom, so people dont have to live with the guilt of being a murder. the 5th commandment: Thou shall not kill What does this mean?: We shoulds fear and love god so that we do not hurt or harm our neighbor in his body or any physical way but help and support him in every physical way and need. Take it up with god.
This one kid in school made a poster of a gun to a babies head and said: Does this look right to you?
Honestly, no. But still, it is not a baby. It is just a collection of cells, just like that ant you stepped on outside. Or that fish you ate for dinner.
Honestly, no. But still, it is not a baby. It is just a collection of cells, just like that ant you stepped on outside. Or that fish you ate for dinner.
A collection of cells that will grow into a human being. What if your mother aborted you?
A collection of cells that will grow into a human being. What if your mother aborted you?
Then I wouldn't be here today. Someone else would take my place. Are you going to stop eating eggs now? It's basically the same concept. Or maybe you should stop using paper products because birds might need the trees to nest in.
My fiance and I are going to have a baby around the beginning of Oct. Before we got pregnant I never thought much about abortion, but after hearing my 3 week old childs heartbeat and seeing him at 11 weeks wiggling around in his little cacoon... I can't imagine how anyone could get one.
Life is always worth living. Trials and challenges may differ from person to person but It is within human nature to overcome. People fight for life and freedom because it is the thing of most worth.
the only reason for the baby to live being the parents' selfish desires for a child
That differs on the situation. If there is the possibility of the child living the parent will fight for that chance. There are parents out there who want the best for their children. They want to give their children the most precious thing there is and that is life itself.
The foster system is just one big whirlpool of abuse and neglect, and a good deal of the children in the foster system have severe violence, depression, and thoughts of suicide afterward.
Yes I agree but not completely. There are people out there who use children for money or personal gain and there are those who are fewwho want to help. Someday I am determined to do as much as I can to save children from these horrors. I have experienced the things you have stated above. I have overcome these things. It is not easy. It is like dying slowly over and over again. You fight and you fight till you can barely move. The longer the wait the futile it becomes and the harder it is to breathe let alone think. The only thing that you own is your [b]sanity but it too slowly falls apart.[/b] I have learned that some things that happen in your life may be the result of others carelessness not your own as you are led to believe at times. There is much more to life than what we are lead to believe. Life is beautiful in the most intricate ways. It is beautiful in it's simplicity. There is much more good than there is bad. Sometimes it's just harder to see when your heart is broken and full of bitter anger.
Basically the baby should have the chance to live if it doesn't put the mothers life at risk.Every woman still has her choice.