I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
I'm not saying it's the solution in every case. But I wouldn't want to have hundreds of thousands of kids suffering every year because their mommy and daddy don't love them, treat them bad, ect... If you know without a doubt that your child cannot live a good life with you, then you should not have a child. There are too many hurt, abused, mistreated children in the world for us to be able to allow everyone who doesn't want their child to give birth to one. We have too many people on earth anyway, at least this will help control our population without hurting anyone
I guess the point we're on will differ on what someone classifies as a happy home life.
Some argue an unhappy home life is one where the child is neglected, starved, abused etc.
I have no complaints about my home life, but i would consider it an unhappy one if my family members we're in terrible moods for a week.
@Dair, i just didn't understand your point at first, based on different thoughts i guess. But i do agree that a child shouldn't be brought into a house fueled with alcohol and drug abuse mixed with neglect.
Killing babies... Even saying it is just sick. I'd rather be abused and neglected (which I am, actually) than to be aborted, but if so if that mother is stupid enough to do so I wouldn't give a crap if I were alive anyway.
Killing babies... Even saying it is just sick. I'd rather be abused and neglected (which I am, actually) than to be aborted, but if so if that mother is stupid enough to do so I wouldn't give a crap if I were alive anyway.
So you would rather be a burden on society, and another druggie out on the streets? I don't see why pro-life people have to enforce their view on everyone else. If you want to get an abortion, get one!
So you would rather be a burden on society, and another druggie out on the streets? I don't see why pro-life people have to enforce their view on everyone else. If you want to get an abortion, get one!
But why do you have sex in the first place then(if you can't look for your child)? Isn't it just stupid?
Sex isn't just for makin' babies y'know - it's somethin' that some people (although I may never understand them) choose to do for pleasure. 'n I mean, even if ya choose ta use protection, there's always the chance it'll fail.
Sex isn't just for makin' babies y'know - it's somethin' that some people (although I may never understand them) choose to do for pleasure. 'n I mean, even if ya choose ta use protection, there's always the chance it'll fail.
Then don't! - is the advice. Sex hasn't a meaning these days. Everywhere people have at last had sex with 20 different people. And then you've people complaining the whole time that the culture now will be not the same as over 25 years. Oh come on!
But still, it doesn't give anyone the right to kill a child. With abortion(to my opinion) there's no difference between killing a unborn child and a child of 2 years(e.g.).
But still, it doesn't give anyone the right to kill a child. With abortion(to my opinion) there's no difference between killing a unborn child and a child of 2 years(e.g.).
Medically and legally, a child does not count as a life until around the third trimester. As a parent, or one who will become one, you can make all legal choises for your child. And also, say that when you have sex, you want a kid, you have a fantastic job, great health care, etc. But then, before the third trimester, you lose your job, your health care, and possibly the bank will forclose on your home. You wouldn't want a child growing up in that situation. Barely getting any food, not getting food some nights. It would be worse than not being born, as the baby wouldn't feel anything if it was aborted.
Tch, abstinence doesn't work, especially not amongst teenagers. The difference between terminating a pregnancy and killing a child is that the child can and does survive independently outside of its mothers womb whereas the foetus is not viable should it be removed from the womb environment.
Medically and legally, a child does not count as a life until around the third trimester. As a parent, or one who will become one, you can make all legal choises for your child. And also, say that when you have sex, you want a kid, you have a fantastic job, great health care, etc. But then, before the third trimester, you lose your job, your health care, and possibly the bank will forclose on your home. You wouldn't want a child growing up in that situation. Barely getting any food, not getting food some nights. It would be worse than not being born, as the baby wouldn't feel anything if it was aborted.
Strange why it is called a child at the third trimester. At the second trimester, a child has a heart, brain etc. and can feel. So, actually a living being too(but not independent).
Having a child is an important subject. You need to check everything before you're going to have sex. If you just marry and have sex the day you marry, it's your own fault if you can't look for your child. If there were made preparations, then something like that wouldn't happen, right? So, being poor is not a reason to kill your child.
Tch, abstinence doesn't work, especially not amongst teenagers. The difference between terminating a pregnancy and killing a child is that the child can and does survive independently outside of its mothers womb whereas the foetus is not viable should it be removed from the womb environment.
about that first part. not all teenagers are horny little freaks. in fact, out of the 50 teens that I know, only two of them are having sex (they're dating, so I guess it's okay).
I (against my religion) believe that it's not alive until the heart starts beating.
but lets say you are 16 and you get pregnante like you cant afford to pay for food for a kid and abortion early is not the same as late abortion, like killing an 4-5-6-7-8 month babe should not be aloud.
killing an 4-5-6-7-8 month babe should not be aloud.
Killing a 4-8 Month Old baby is not legally aloud you can only terminate within the first 2 and a Half months
But terminating a first stage baby should be aloud as it can not do anything for themselves. And say a young girl 14-15 gets ***** and becomes pregnant, wouldn't she want to erase the memory of the attack but if Abortion was illegal then she would have to live with it for the next 18 Years