I would like to try and avoid a buch of rabid Catholics and Christians falling back only on the religious reasons and what have you. However, I do not see how that can be dodged.
My view? I'm for it. If a woman wants to get one, it is her choice. Some people seem to act like if one woman gets an abortion, it means that all the rest have to. If the child in question is not yours, butt out.
Also, on a lighter note, I say that abortions should be allowed when kids are up to 18 years old. That would solve a lot of headaches, eh?
For those that would insist that a fetus is not human, how could you possibly know that for sure? The Holocaust was made possible because Hitler convinced the people that the victims were non-persons.
Do you even go to school? I mean really, In humans, the fetal stage of prenatal development starts at the beginning of the 11th week in gestational age, which is the 9th week after fertilization. -Wikipedia What is there not to understand? This is science, not political opinion. As of a matter of fact, this is not an OPINION, at all, it's a fact.
In humans, the fetal stage of prenatal development starts at the beginning of the 11th week in gestational age, which is the 9th week after fertilization. -Wikipedia What is there not to understand? This is science, not political opinion. As of a matter of fact, this is not an OPINION, at all, it's a fact.
It seems the problem was with my terminology. How do you know the embryo, zygote, whatever you'd like to call it, is not a person? You cannot know from science that the baby is not human and alive from conception. They have all the genetic information they have to develop at conception.
It seems the problem was with my terminology. How do you know the embryo, zygote, whatever you'd like to call it, is not a person? You cannot know from science that the baby is not human and alive from conception. They have all the genetic information they have to develop at conception.
a human embryo develops it's 1st brainwaves after 5 to 7 weeks after fertilization.
1. There will be mothers who die giving birth, that could have been prevented through abortion. .
First of all there was a chance my mother would have died giving birth so don't go saying that. it just sounds mean to me and your trying to convince everyone to do abortion.
2. We would have more kids in adoption centers. And so far these places are both crowded, and not exactly fun.
SO what your saying is that every child that doesn't have a parent or is given no love should be killed? you sicken me.
3. There will be mothers who will raise a kid they dont want to, and will possibly abuse/neglect the kid in someway
That is also an excuse. Also millions of children have been abused, many are saved from they're oppresors and are given a new hope and grow up to be wonderful people. I know a few that have been abused and I don't think they would rather have gone thru abortion.
As Devoidless said one page 1, Men can't fully understand because they will never be put in the particular position. Well my girlfriend said that it's practically murdering a human being, even though the developing Fetus isn't really human. And it happened to my girlfriend and I, our contraception failed so she got pregnant. She said she'll give birth to the child and give it up for adoption, that's better than killing it.
I know some will argue with this saying 'It not human bla bla'. Search on Google Images atleast, type in 'Abortion' I believe you'll change your mind quickly
That is also an excuse. Also millions of children have been abused, many are saved from they're oppresors and are given a new hope and grow up to be wonderful people. I know a few that have been abused and I don't think they would rather have gone thru abortion.
The first part of what he said is true and can't be discredited. Which is:
There will be mothers who will raise a kid they dont want to
Well my girlfriend said that it's practically murdering a human being, even though the developing Fetus isn't really human.
Your girlfriend doesn't speak for every female of child-bearing age on the planet though, does she? I've known people that have shared her view and I've known people that believe almost the exact opposite - then there's everyone else in between.
She said she'll give birth to the child and give it up for adoption, that's better than killing it.
And what happens while that child's waiting to be adopted? I'm certainly not saying that no one ever gets adopted or that the child won't but look at the numbers of children already in the system and waiting to be adopted and you realize that supply outstrips demand - a lot of people don't want to adopt because they want to have a child that's their own flesh and blood.
I know some will argue with this saying 'It not human bla bla'. Search on Google Images atleast, type in 'Abortion' I believe you'll change your mind quickly
If everything that looked vaguely humanoid could be classified as human then there'd be a lot stricter laws on the testing that can be done on monkeys and people would find childs dolls a lot creepier - appearance in form doesn't equal appearance in function.
Sure let them kill theyre own children, But remember some are likely to regret it.
Have you considered **** victims who got pregnant? People who are forcibly impregnated? And your ''some are going to regret it'' argument is flawed, just because they might regret it doesn't mean they should not have the choice. Think through your argument before stating it.
Freedom of choice is the ultimate factor. A fetus is part of the mother, it came from her, she can do what she wants, especially if begetting the child is against her will.
First of all there was a chance my mother would have died giving birth so don't go saying that. it just sounds mean to me and your trying to convince everyone to do abortion.
There will always be risks that the mother dies at birth, but with current medicine it can be mostly avoided. I don't see the point behind that either, just let me say noone wants to convince anyone to have to abort. It's about letting people have the choice; if they do it or not, is their choice, just don't prohibit it.
SO what your saying is that every child that doesn't have a parent or is given no love should be killed? you sicken me.
His point was, at least I think, that adoption cenetrs are already crowded, and that the child can't be happy in there; no child should be killed. But it's wrong to give birth to a child just for the sake of your own conscience, even when you know it won't be happy (remember, children are one of the most frequent reason for poverty, and if a mother can't offer a good life to a child while ruining her own life too by giving birth, why should she be forced to?)
As Devoidless said one page 1, Men can't fully understand because they will never be put in the particular position. Well my girlfriend said that it's practically murdering a human being, even though the developing Fetus isn't really human. And it happened to my girlfriend and I, our contraception failed so she got pregnant. She said she'll give birth to the child and give it up for adoption, that's better than killing it.
Again. It's about choice. There are a lot of women who want the right to have a choice, after all it's their baby. Whether they abort or not is their choice, but why would you deprive them from this choice? I know we can't fully understand pregnancy as men, and I know it would be wrong to force your wife to abort. I just want that women can have the right to make it their own decision, is that so wrong?
Anyway, you all should remember that noone wants to kill 8 month old embryos. The legal limit in many countries is 12 weeks, after that only if there is a good reason, mostly medicinal.
a human embryo develops it's 1st brainwaves after 5 to 7 weeks after fertilization.
And even the the 9th to 16th Week, it's brain has minimal operation.
And taking into account that a human is distinguished from animals because of our advanced brains, it's not really a human unless it's brain is distinguishably more complex then an animals, and that would be near or when it's born.