A lot animals have tails, but do you have one? What I was saying was that we have no way of knowing, yet, what the gift mentioned in the bible is. We may have another name for what we were given, but no way of linking the two.
A lot animals have tails, but do you have one? What I was saying was that we have no way of knowing, yet, what the gift mentioned in the bible is. We may have another name for what we were given, but no way of linking the two.
Well no, since we can never fully understand God, we can never fully understand what he imagines for us. Tails have nothing to do with it.
But intellect is an example of a gift that God gave man supposedly. And it is something that animals do not have. It is something that ultimately relates us to God, and something that he gave us above all other beings.
Yes, but God also gave us other gifts along with intelect. I'm noy saying that intelect isn't God's gift, but centuries ago, people may have thought it was something different because people didn't think that intelect was important. (If they even knew what it was.)
Yes, but God also gave us other gifts along with intelect. I'm noy saying that intelect isn't God's gift, but centuries ago, people may have thought it was something different because people didn't think that intelect was important. (If they even knew what it was.)
I suggest you read some Dante and Boethius They definitely believed back then that intellect and will are what separated us from animals. This was the common religious belief back then.
Drace, why would God give us a bad gift?
Going back to some religious thinking here. If God is real, and God is good, and represents all that is good, he cannot do something inherently evil or bad. Everything has to be done for a reason. For a particular order. People go to hell because they belong there, because it is the proper and natural place for them to be, not because God is mean. God cannot give us a bad gift.
something different because people didn't think that intelect was important.
What do you mean intellect is important? Of course they did. Its easily seen that intellect separates us from the animal kingdom. We used to be part of the animals kingdom, but we evolved and separated.
I say its whatever that made that happen.
Drace, why would God give us a bad gift?
For one, anything is possible.
And that wasn't my point. God would determine whether the gift is good or not, not us. In some sense, this makes perfect sense.
Well God can give us a gift which he believes is good but to us is bad.
Ahh but no. If God is all knowing, then he would have the insight to know that it would be bad for us. And he would never give us something that is bad for us. So to say that he would give us something that would turn out bad for us is saying that his reasoning is wrong. Which isn't possible.