DecadentDragon wrote:
You might can answer this question for me about Catholics. How do they get away with praying to saints and The Virgin Mary? Isn't that technically an idol?
I do not believe Jesus wanted to transform Judaism away from the OT. I believe Jesus was fulfilled the OT.
Here is a basic outline of what I believe, and why I feel the OT is valid and Jesus has not changed it.
1.) Holy, Perfect righteous God creates Man in his image
2.) Man Sin's against God
3.) The Wages of Sin are death, and God cannot be in the presence of Sin because he is wholly righteous and Good.
4.) Man lives on, but needs to sacrifice animals to take the place of this sin.
5.) The OT speaks of the messiah (Jesus), to take away the Sin of the World.
6.) Jesus comes, lives the perfect life, and dies in our place enabling us to have a direct relationship to the father God.
7.) NT is about Jesus and how we can have a relationship with him and be reconciled to God.
People often ask 'Why did Jesus have to die', and that is because of God's justice. God would not be a just God, if there was no payment for Sin.
If someone is speeding, breaks the law, and appears in court. The Judge has to deliver a sentence. If he just lets the person off the hook, the Judge is no longer just because a Crime was committed, but no penalty was imposed.
God in his Love and Mercy for us, says 'The wages of Sin are death' which is our sentence due to his justice, but instead of us having to die, he sends his Son to take our place.
In the example of the court judge, it would be equivalent to the Judge imposing a $100 fine for the guilty driver, then taking off his judge robe, walking down to the guilty party and writing a check for $100 to cover the cost of this ticket.
Justice is served because a penalty is imposed, but Mercy is given because the Judge pays the penalty himself.