In all of my life, I have found that out of all religions, most people who aren't Christian dislike Christianity more out of all the other religions. My question is: why?
People just decide to blame Christianity because it is so easy to. Well, actually, people blame Islam a lot too but for some reason not as much as Christianity. Christianity was just attacked once with great strength and many people started blaming it after. I dont completetly undersand why it is attacked a lot though...
Srry for posting 3 times in a row... also, Since Christianity is the most populous religions in the world, There are more extremists. That type of person can be found in other religions too but since Christianity is more common, there are more. The extremeists go to (duh) extreme measures to get a point across including: murder, stealing, raping, etc. But... not all, actually, almost none of all Christians in the world are guilty of being extremist. Its just that many people go all stereotypical and say that ALL Christians are like that.
I think there is something intrinsically wrong with this argument. The question was "Why does everyone hate Christianity the most?" , but was that proven first? I think if you had a poll of most people (not even just Americans, but Earthlings) and asked if they 'hated' Christianity or lets say... Satanism more... what do you think the answer would be?
OH!!! A thought just came to my mind! Maybe its because us Christians dont try to fight back when attacked! Other religions do fight back.
That's an iffy generalisation, as it just so happens that the acts of repudiation, tyranny and violence perpetrated by organisations acting in the name of the Lord (yes, the Christian one, purportedly) are some of the most extensively documented in history. Which in turn might relate to the original enquiry. Ironically, the roots of Christianity were borne in times of heavy persecution, and later on, their dominace led to committing acts of persecution for their cause.
Ultimately the message there is that it's the way of people and groups. With one notable exception- I would say that the group that stands currently as the best exemplars of non-violent religion/philosophy are Buddhists in general.
I think that Christians get a bad image because everyone claims they are Christian (because it is a very large, encompassing , category) and since many, do not behave in a moral Christians manner, they make the whole religion seem hypocritical, and unchristian, which is entirely untrue.
Well, forgive me I am not Christian and have only read parts of the Bible. Didn't Jesus ask Peter (and supposedly Mary M. according to other canonical gospels) to start a church?
Jesus told Peter that he would build his church upon 'This Rock' meaning Himself as the risen Messiah.
Peter then went on to start churches, but the people who attended those churches were called 'Christians', and there was no reference to Peter nor did he start the Church in his name.
I believe that Catholic churchs mis-interpret the bible here, and make a huge theological mistake when they give the Pope authoritative power (Basically the same power that alone should be given to God)because they believe they are a direct descendant of Peter.
You might can answer this question for me about Catholics. How do they get away with praying to saints and The Virgin Mary? Isn't that technically an idol?
Jesus wanted to transform Judaism away from old testament ideals (Angry vengeful god, eye for an eye, etc...) into a religion of peace and love. It was never his intention to found a new religion.
It's been 2000 years now, and we still haven't seen the religion that Jesus wanted.