In all of my life, I have found that out of all religions, most people who aren't Christian dislike Christianity more out of all the other religions. My question is: why?
A mosque and a church aren't really very close at all. I mean they are in the sense that they are religious structures, but that's it. I'm saying that if I am a person who believes in jesus and I destroy christian symbols or whatever then I'm still considered a christian by the definition given in this forum. Since I think most christians would not agree with that statement, the definition should probably be revised.
Raz brings up the best point. It is what we (mostly being Americans) here are exposed to the most. If this were somewhere else, it would be some other religion. It's all about social diffusion.
Well, maybe not the top reason. But is around there.
Raz does bring up a good point, which I tend to leave out of all my posts about this subject matter for some reason. I am not going to repeat what he said, but add in my experiences(which might coincide with his.)
Being surrouned by Christians and Catholics my whole life creates a certain stigma towards them. Always hearing what I should be doing to be a good ol' Christian kid. Over and over and over again. All because I am a free thinker and have my own set of believes and views towards life. I am sure this happens often, which must add much ill will.
(Random fact: When I first was writing this post I put down Crustaceans instead of Christians. Which makes sense.)
Yeah, that's similar to my own experiences as well as a good many people's, I'm sure.
I don't think it's an experience unique to Christianity, either, necessarily - rather, we express it because we are ALLOWED to.
I'm sure that there are many people in Islamic countries who are disillusioned with everything Muslim, but must follow it due to laws and penalties and that whole pesky death thing.
We're not forced to follow it - at least not legally - so we speak out.
well there are different views of christianity like moegrechce said about if your a christian you can do whatever you want and get away with it. to some peolpe that may be a definition but to others its a bit anoyying. and christianity isn't some joke to be made fun. but then again its like razaki said. peolpe are entitled to their opinion and can belive whatever they wish to. and some peolpe hate christianity just because they having nothing to blame or put the heat on. like hitler blamed the jews for germany's trouble.
..that is not what he said. No one hates it just to blame it for the troubles of society. I do not think that has ever really been the case, ever. Ok, ok...there was a time when Nero lost it and wanted to kill them all...and protestants who diverted from the Catholic church we hunted down. But they were all crazy. We all pretty much sane, right? Kinda.
He was saying that we can chose to dislike any given religion for any reason. Whether it be because you really do not believe in the religions teachings or got served a really bad pastrami on rye once from a {Insert religion here} deli. Not all the dislike stems from reason, but oh well. We have the freedom to do that if we wish.
I was looking through all the topics and thought I'd bring back an old subject.
I'll be honest,from what I've seen and read, I can tell that there a lot of liberal, democratic, crazy people that spend more time playing games then using their brain. ( No offense to the games )
I , personally, am a republican and a christian. I stand firm in my faith and I KNOW what I beleive in.
Some people come in here bashing not only christianity, but many other religions as well. They make smart comments and act like they know everything, when in all reality, they have no idea what they're talking about. They only describe what they've observered about these religions, when they haven't expeienced them first hand.
On the other hand, some people come in here and raise quite a good argument. THEY have done they're reseach and actually understand what they're talking about...even though I may not agree with them. With that said, I don't beleive people who can't back up there arguments with FACTS should be posting about religion, people, and for that matter, politics.
Thanks to those of you who paid attention in school and make educated comments...even if they may be wrong.
I just checked your profile. You're 13. You can't be a Republican because you can't vote, and I'm guessing that you're a christian because mommy and daddy are. You see a topic like christianity - something about which you are impassioned - and you decide to stand up for your god. The thing is, there are very few facts in christianity, while it ignores many other accepted facts. It's people like you that makes people like me hate certain christians.
I am, in fact, 13, and I am a republican. Just beacause I can't vote dosen't mean I don't have my own opinions. As far as religion goes, I will have you know that both my parent are not christian.
Um...why "liberal, democratic, crazy people"? It's just that when you said that you sounded like one of those people who make underhanded comments directed a "no one in particular".
I don't think people are bashing the religion so much as the people behind it. Religion isn't a big beast that goes around causing trouble, people do. The fact that they are of a certain religion is co-incidental.
When someone is bashing a religion, they attack the beliefs of the religion, specific values, rules, etc.
Back to my point: Why would you say that you shouldn't post if you can't back up your arguement with facts, right after you said "They only describe what they've observered about these religions, when they haven't expeienced them first hand." That fact, if you choose to call it that, seems rather vauge.
I don't judge people based on their religious affiliations - unless they constantly make comments about it. But that's not really a religion's fault, that's just someone being inconsiderate. I think it's really frustrating that people can put up billboards or make polite conversation about how wonderful god is, but if I try to make polite conversation about how non-existent god is, it's not okay.