In all of my life, I have found that out of all religions, most people who aren't Christian dislike Christianity more out of all the other religions. My question is: why?
You made a pretty blanket statement about some of the comments on this forum; a statement that I felt was quite inaccurate. Looking back, most of the comments that were not supported by any empirical or ontological evidence were made by people who only posted once or twice. The discussion here revolves around those of us who are having an informed debate, and to suggest otherwise indicates either a gross misinterpretation of the flow of conversation or simply not understanding the conversation in the first place. You claim to be a republican and a christian, but you gave no evidence to say why. But more importantly, you ignored the question the forum presented, which means you're just reading the wrong things. As far as false statements about other religions, I would challenge you to even define Christianity is such a way that I could even present a "false belief."
First of all, Christians accept Jesus as their savior, not their god. Get your own beliefs right, carl. Secondly, Christians accept God as the one and only god, and Jesus as his son.
The reason for the "hate" you refer to, is because Christians are typically responsible for the negative arguments about important issues. Christians want abortion banned. Christians want homosexual marriage banned. Christians want stem-cell research banned. Christians thought Spongebob was spreading homosexuality. Christians are the ones who convert people by telling them they'll go to hell if they don't. (Not ALL Christian missionaries do that. Just most.)
And there's different types of Christianity.
Some Christians believe that all non-Christians go to hell because they don't accept Christ as their savior. They say that Jesus died for the sins of humans, and by accepting Jesus as a savior and following his teachings, you can achieve eternal salvation.
Those Christians generate hate from various people because they believe that only Christians go to heaven. Now, if someone told me I wasn't going to paradise just because I'm not accepting Jesus as my savior, I'd pump him full of airsoft pellets. And many people I know would do the same.
Then there's the Christians who believe anyone can get into heaven regardless of faith, as long as they don't sin. Good right? No. Some religions require followers to commit suicide under certain horrifying conditions. Suicide is a sin. So how do people of that religion feel when they're told that part of their beliefs will send them to hell? And that's just ONE example.
Now do you see why there's so much hate towards Christians? Because you guys keep drawing first blood! The hate is merely well-deserved retaliation.
i think no one should hate them that give them strebgth we should ignore them if we're not interested in their religion(except the abortion and condome thing) so they don't get the publicity they want
Snowball, telling Carl that his beliefs are wrong doesn't work at all. These aren't factual statements, they're beliefs and as such cannot be refuted. As far as Jesus's role, traditionally (in the Roman Catholic Church) Jesus and god were in fact the same person. It is one of their divine mysteries, so do NOT tell people to get their own beliefs right, especially without doing research of your own. You then talk about different beliefs that christians have and then try to blanket them all together as people who "keep drawing first blood." But you have failed to recognize the fact that the term christian is not a neat little box in which you can fit everyone who subscribes to this faith.
I just don't think I can add to what you said Moegreche. Very, very well put.
I was shocked by reading Grande's posts until I saw your responses. I would still like him to explain why he is a Republican and maybe go into further detail about his Christian beliefs.
I don't like christianity, or any other religion: Religion is the easiest way to control people. And every religion is based on something that is impossible to prove exists or dosen't exist. And the fact that the story of jesus was told 3000 years before he was born. Just with another name, is proof enough: It is just a story. Told to keep people beliving in their religion, and to keep controling them. Simple.
I have personally found that people dislike Christianity because it's based on the life of Jesus. I've meet many people and just saying I'm Christian doesn't seem to cause many waves. When I met people and talk about Jesus Christ, then the debate starts to heat up.
I think a big part of it has to do with the fact that Jesus did the following things. *He claimed to be God *He did Miracles *He changed peoples life *He loves unconditionally *He calls people to repentance *He claims the ONLY way to salvation is through him *He rose from the Dead
That makes for quite a resume, and it's easier to pick 1 or all of the points to dislike Him on.
i really really think people should be athiest or christian because christianity is like judism but jesus is there, have any of you people who are reading this seen actors be jesus? the rising? where did the Tora come from? heck, where did the Bible come from? Its almost the f***ing same so cant we just get along? all religions are basically a different form of God. In christianity, God is there, cept theres Jesus 2. In judism theres God cept no jesus but still the Tora. People who praise Allah, they worship God in a different name and the name 'aradise' not heaven. Ect. e.g. Taoism/Doaism, Catholic, Hindu. Cept hindi is very complicated, ive seen many videos of hindi religion things on discovery channel and national geographic, i seems to me its real. or they could be faked. i would not no. its all related get my point? and what happens next day ur dead, then you see Jesus in heaven. think about it. what would ur reaction be? "How the F***!! WHAT THE F***!! ITS JESUS!! YOU'RE REAL!!! O.O" Jesus: no shit sherlock
I think that a lot of people in America say that they are Christian, whether they go to church and truly believe it or not. It is just kind of the default religion for America. Which sounds strange... but I think true. So a lot of people say yes, I am Christian, but don't really have the full belief in it. When people start talking about Jesus, that cues in people that the person actually believe in Jesus, and that they know what they are talking about. That probably takes people off guard just because a lot of people are used to saying that they are religious, but when it comes down to it they really only are by default.
//Snowball, telling Carl that his beliefs are wrong doesn't work at all. These aren't factual statements, they're beliefs and as such cannot be refuted. As far as Jesus's role, traditionally (in the Roman Catholic Church) Jesus and god were in fact the same person. It is one of their divine mysteries, so do NOT tell people to get their own beliefs right, especially without doing research of your own. You then talk about different beliefs that christians have and then try to blanket them all together as people who "keep drawing first blood." But you have failed to recognize the fact that the term christian is not a neat little box in which you can fit everyone who subscribes to this faith.//
Clearly you could not detect the sarcasm in that portion of my post. Tsk tsk. I know there is more than one division of Christianity. Everybody knows that. I know that there are Christians who believe that Jesus IS god. Don't make a post centered around a small sarcastic portion of my own.