In all of my life, I have found that out of all religions, most people who aren't Christian dislike Christianity more out of all the other religions. My question is: why?
Either learn to read a few posts, my whole post, or at least a few meaningful posts.
I was saying "Alot of people make it look bad". I'm sorry, but America is room for alot of problems. I don't think all Christians are like that. But theres a well known fact that many do DO just that. Homosexual Christians, churches pastor's speaking of "Burning in hell without the Christian fate" to non-believers of the christian evidence. Even on this site. So they end up looking bad. I'm not saying the religion sucks, nor do I think its evil. I don't think the people are, but there are more people representing the problem then there are helping it.
Also, the only good evidence I can show is that there IS a loss in practicing christianity, depending on how you define it many americans don't. And a huge # expeccially in america are moving to aethist or nonreligiousism. however you spell it.
By Christians, I mean everyone, refferring from the part where it goes "Christ Is Lord" and so on. Which would include about everyone. I'm stating the things that make Christianity seem so bad. More people make it look bad than the real, well thought out Christians that make it look good.
You can blame it on whatever you want, American Culture whatever, I'm just trying to get the point through that in America, alot of stuff is blamed on Christians, because alot of people expeccially in court cases like to bring up their god given rights. [It has saved people in court before].
ok, ok, i went overboard, and u are right. the reason people think that the majority of christians are like that is because there are alot of christians that stand out in a bad way making it seem like the majority is.
Well it's just a matter of numbers 1/3 of the world's population is Christianity. That means there are more people of the Christian faith that can make people angry towards that specific Christian or all Christians.
You rarely hear people angry at Indigenous people because there are very few of them in the world.
Christianity is also on All 7 continents making other heavily populated religions in those regions angry at them as well.
Theres not a lot of Anger towards Buddhism because it is Centralized in Asia and Is not spread heavily around the world.
Like I said it all comes down to Numbers and Location.
I don't like religion at all, but the reasons I don't like christianity are as follows:
-Origin and upkeep of racism against African-Americans.
-Origin and upkeep of racism against Homosexuals.
-The almost over-eagerness to destroy others who aren't the same (Read: Crusades and above two points).
-Things like what happened in Michener's Hawaii (well, the beginning of it [and I'm not sure how much of that happened frequently, or at all]).
That said, Christianity has "saved" a lot of people (In my opinion a placebo, but think what you wish), and has made a lot of people turn their lives around, so it has it's upside, too.
Well, in my personal opinion as an atheist. I find that everyone discusses Christianity the most. They don't hate it, but because America, as one of the world's superpowers, is predominantly Christian, many people around the world ask themselves, do we like Christianity? And often, in my experience at least, that question evolves into, Do we like America?
Christianity is the only real religion. Thats what i was raised and grounded in. God doesn't want to hurt or harm anyone. He doesn't dislike blacks or browns or reds. Nothing. He wants you to be faithful to the book. Gays are preverse anyway. Thats just my belief. =) no offence to anyone.
No offence to you but christianity is not real at all. The bible was written by man, not god. Plus it has been rewritten over a dozen times throughout history.
Hojoko, actually, you are partially wrong. AFAIK, Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism(Islamic [ISLAM?? {It's like wondering about the plural of Deer (the animal)}]) all have the same god, but different prophets.
Judaism has x prophets Christianity has x prophets plus christ Islam/ism/ic has x prophets plus christ plus Mohammed
Your not wrong. What I'm saying is that each religeos writing was written by someone who claimed to have heard from god. Also, the prophet of Judaism is Moses.