In all of my life, I have found that out of all religions, most people who aren't Christian dislike Christianity more out of all the other religions. My question is: why?
Haha how did 'free hookers' come into this conversation?
Well you see you can't just group Christianity into one religion, because there are many different outreaches of it. Most people hate Christianity though, because some people (mainly Baptists) tell them 'join our religion or burn in hell forever'. Generally, that doesn't go down very well with people.
Christianity has historically been the least flexible religion; you accept all of it or you accept none of it. Any time there's a disagreement--even a tiny one--there's been a schism. Religions such as Islam and Hinduism were far more agreeable to slight altering of belief to fit local culture. Christianity just has dogma.
I know exactly how you feel, daswiftarrow, and I am a Christian myself! It just goes to show you how there are so many different types of Christianity, you cannot fit them all into one group.
ya, its just if you dont belive in it they get mad at you, and if you do join christianity they expect everyone to belive one thing, and you can't express you opinion on the verse, chapter, or book being studied. i know there are some christians that arn't like this, but it does seem to be a majority
Its not the religion, its the people. Christianity CANNOT, I repeat CANNOT flex itself because of history. Christianity is like that only because in the past it was allowed power. Unlimited power. Christianity was the fuel for EUROPE. EUROPE!!! >.> World leader at the time. xP With all that power, either its strict and direct or it can't be the government. You can't have a president saying "saying "I might invade so and so". Obviously, Christianity is based on the bible, so soon the bible became not how you should live, but how you should think, survive, thrive, and act. Something the bible was not inteded for. Therefor, the whole religion has been switched. In other religions, though, the religions can stick together. In islamic communities, people who study islam come in and if someone has a question they get it. You can go to any mosque, I'm sure you'll find someone. We try to make brotherhoods, communities. Instead of just flying out to tell people to read a book, live by it because its the way the governemtn works. Now it doesn't, but by then Protestants and other things were flying, it was war between kings and churches, The bible was a defined book of life.
Exactly, people are always mad at a religion, when it is not a religion's fault - it is the arrogent people of that religion that turn others away from it.