This goes in a different direction that the other discipline topic, in that I would like to focus on children instead of adults. Where do you think the line should be drawn? Is spanking a child OK?
I was reading an article recently on a boy who was poisoning his family. When they family found out, one of his relatives punched the boy, and another locked him in a cage for a few hours. The who cage part I disagree with, that is not acceptable. However, the relative who hit the child was also getting charges against him. Granted I would not punch a child, and I am against child abuse, but I couldn't help but think 'I probably would have smacked the kid too'.
So I was wondering, when do you think the line is crossed? Does it depend on the offense? If it is an adult crime, do they deserve to be punished as an adult?
lol, Eddie, My mom had a wooden spoon too, she broke like 2 of them because she would hit a table to get something through to my brothers. She would spank us with it though too.
I always have been spanked when i was little infact my first memories were bieng spanked to that artical carlie had that kid should just be tried as a child and not been his i dont think that it maders that he was caged
Pfft. My parents beat me up and down the block when I did something that really made them mad. And I usually didn't do it again. Out of fear? Mostly. A little bit of respect. But that little bit wasn't enough to stop me doing it in the first place. Like the time I went hiking in the landfill behind our apartments after 9:00 at night and my mom was pregnant so she was ALREADY always in a bad mood? Oh yeah. I learned a whole NEW respect for wooden spoons.
Physical punishment only works until either a certain age of the kid has had enough of it and fights backs. Like around thirteen or so. Or, you know, atleast that was the case for me.
There is no 'one size fits all' answer to this. Every child is different, and what works well for one may have no effect or a negative effect on another. Factor in that most people have no idea when situations cross the line into abuse (especially emotional abuse) and it all gets really messed up.
I spank my kids and it is effective my daughter (14) has been spanked 30 some times and she behaves after it she doesnt hold it against me she will spank her kids so she says spanking is what God said and also it is more effective
This situation, I would say, is an exception to the rule. I would hope it is, at least. Clearly the child has other mental issues at hand, and the family does not seem too stable either. He was upset because they took an out-of-town trip without him. Was he left alone for hours or weeks? I have been upset with my parents, but Ive never even contemplated hurting them because I love and respect them. This child has no clear sense of right and wrong, which is usually because of poor parenting and an unstable environment.
As to the discipline issue, I do not think that hitting a child is necessary. I dont know how my parents did it, but to this day my father has a look he can give me that hurts more than any hitting would. A child should respect his parents because they have earned that respect and love, and not out of fear of unnecessary physical pain.
it can be argued either way.. personally i had my fair shares of spankings but i was a bad kid sorta.. i just got in trouble a lot, just minor stuff.. however now looking back it was for the best that i got spanked..
I totally agree. I personally think it all depends on the personality of the child. I think that a lot of parents are afraid to spank their kids because of child abuse, but a lot of kids need to be spanked to be able to learn. I know personally that when my mom spanked me after I had done something bad, I always thought twice before I did it again. But their must also be moderation. Kids probably shouldn't be spanked for the slightest thing, but they should always be punished. I think I would probably react in a similar way as those people did with the poison, but I could never lock a child in a cage or punch them. I think that is cruel. I am very much against child abuse.
I think it really depends on the situation, and the reason for the discipline. It doesnt make sense to smack a kid for everything he or she does, its not a good way to teach lessons, affects a child mentally, and shows that the parents are really poor at parenting.
In the case of the article, I dont think that they should be concentrating on how to treat punich the parents or the kid. What they need to do is get the family some serious help. It is obviously a dysfunctional family if the 10 year old wants to kill his grandparents, and the grandparents don't care for him. Instead of beating the kid, the grandparents need to figure out whats wrong.
Everyone wants to smack a kid and tell them to "stop it" when they do something wrong, but what you need to do is teach them why what they are doing is wrong.