ForumsArt, Music, and WritingExposed

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Zophia poked me to make a thread. I know this will die off quickly, but I guess I could just show off some work in progress, and what I have managed to do by combining MsPaint and GIMP.

The first one is the outline. It is done in MsPaint, since GIMP was acting up.

The next two is the coloured result, both coloured in GIMP (It was acting okay again)
The difference is the outline. The upper one is with the original outline:

With this one I copied the outline and blured it. So the original outline is on top, the next layer is blured, and then the colour come:

The last one here is what I will think of as the conclusion. A gradient layer from GIMP, smudged out and adjusted, again with the smudge tool. The lazy solution, I know.

Work in progress, right? I do not know if I am going to make it any better.

  • 974 Replies
13,657 posts

I think i brought you on to that, what with the moderation wars...of which I'm in a slight block with. lol

Aww. Try figure something out. It should not end like any other text threads, me think.

And to annoy everybody:
The landlady who provided him with garret, dinners, and attendance, lived on the floor below, and every time he went out he was obliged to pass her kitchen, the door of which invariably stood open. And each time he passed, the young man had a sick, frightened feeling, which made him scowl and feel ashamed. He was hopelessly in debt to his landlady, and was afraid of meeting her.

Because the entry fits that as much as the theme. So.. describtive text!
13,657 posts

Just caught myself laughing at his expression > >...
*looks at drawing again, laughs*

Oh yeah, forgot.
Quote = Crime and Punishment, chapter one.

5,642 posts

Crime and Punishment, chapter one.

scary...extremely scary.

*is getting cussed off on DA because he made a sex joke...which ISN'T against the rules*
13,657 posts
The image says it all...

13,657 posts
I do...

5,420 posts

Showing the wonderful lack of talent

and ugly drawn

The Artists Sucks

Cenere I'm going to be quite straight with you,you really need to stop with all the "I am horrible at drawing" stuff as to be truthful while you may not be one of those people on the front page of deviant art,but don't you think your being a bit harsh on yourself with all of this? I am not sure if I'm going out of line with this,but it has been bugging me that someone who can draw better then I can, always seems to be beating himself up about how he can't draw,but heck this may just be some weird misinterpretation from myself but I don't quite see how...
13,657 posts

Well, my self esteem died a little while drawing... Not because of that drawing, but getting criticised on the blood colour on the piece in the Moderation Wars thread. Blood is hard to colour, basically why people colour it like it looks, not the real colour...
Therefore I made it red. Just like skin actually is some kind of orangy grey, but well..
So pretty screwed up drawing after trying to correct it (Look, purple blood), and now I hate to even look at it... So much for putting effort in drawings, eh...

In general I have a incredible low self esteem in the first place... It is not only drawing...
I have abnormly thin hands, which is odd, I am loosing weight when I should not, I suck at living alone, is not really capable of having money, I eat only once in a while, I love writing, but is really bad at that as well... I like singing as well, but, hey, suck...
I have homework to do, but am too lazy, I will probably be kicked out of school sooner or later, I am asocial in nature, but still miss my family like hell, which makes all this even worse...
So... I am sorry if I make you feeling bad or something... Really... Really sorry...

5,642 posts

Well, my self esteem died a little while drawing... Not because of that drawing, but getting criticised on the blood colour on the piece in the Moderation Wars thread. Blood is hard to colour, basically why people colour it like it looks, not the real colour...

You know what I do when someone does stuff like this? I ask, "Well, if the coloration is off, what kind of color SHOULD I use?" and try and make my art better.
So pretty screwed up drawing after trying to correct it (Look, purple blood), and now I hate to even look at it... So much for putting effort in drawings, eh...

I've had blood on my face, legs, shirt, and even a large knife in my left hip before, and the color of the blood can mix in with the color of a shirt or article of clothing.

In general I have a incredible low self esteem in the first place... It is not only drawing...
I have abnormly thin hands, which is odd, I am loosing weight when I should not, I suck at living alone, is not really capable of having money, I eat only once in a while, I love writing, but is really bad at that as well... I like singing as well, but, hey, suck...

Cen, you should really start saying the better things of yourself.

1. When you're not depressed, you're a really awesome guy.
2. you have excellent characters and species, that generally blow mine out of the water.
3. Your worlds are filled iwth logic, and by this time most people your age would have given up on their imagination enteirely!
4. you're dirty blonde....that's awesome.
5. You really ARE excellent at art! Van Go (forgot how to spell his Was what? 40? 50? Before he became famous! You have a long way to go, and you'll get there, your excellent
6. Your logic and knowledge astounds me.
7. You have great theories and can always keep a debate/conversation going.
8. You know how to distinguish right and wrong.

And that's only 8 of the things that make you awesome! Really, you should start thinking of the better times.
3,675 posts

Bah, I'm familiar with the living alone problems. Far too familiar.

I eat maybe twice a day, and my diet consists only of Ramen, preserved smeared on bread, tea, coffee and tobacco. It's a great diet if you need to lose weight. But...I don't need to. I have lost 20 or so pounds of weight since I've been on my own.

It wouldn't be so bad if I had a job to pay for food. I manage to scrape enough money from several sources to pay for rent. My food budget is roughly 20 dollars every other month.
I won't go into detail about why I have no job. Because it makes me angreh to think about.

I get lonesome at times, normally because everyone I knows seems to vanish for weeks at a time. My lady lives far enough way to make it so we only get to see eachother maybe once a month if we are lucky.

Haha, sorry Cen. I kinda ninja'd your mood and thread for my own selfish reasons. XD

13,657 posts

Haha, sorry Cen. I kinda ninja'd your mood and thread for my own selfish reasons. XD

I get payed to study, really, I should have enough money to live of, besides buying books and paying bills.. My rent takes half of what I get, bills take another half of that, so I should not really talk about having no money..
Really, I should not even talk about me having a bad life, because I have enough willpower to make sure I live. The wonderful thing about responsibility is that I still have not used the colouring pencils I have bought for a darn lot of money, because I want myself to read the homework first...
I am just a pathetic whining kid...

Cen, you should really start saying the better things of yourself.

I thought you knew how hard it is..


Without that I would die... That, and curiousity..

Sorry guys..
5,642 posts

I thought you knew how hard it is..

bleep be bleeped I sure do. I have the same thing with you, hell, I should be grateful and I am a whining kid as well, but I'm trying to change when it comes to my art.

The only time when I scoff it is when I could do so much better and I knew how, but didn't anyways.

Without that I would die... That, and curiousity..

hell yeah to that, curiosity is just so fun. lol.
I am just a pathetic whining kid...

whining? yes, Pathetic? hell no. You're far from pathetic Cenere, and everyone needs to whine every once and a while, so don't worry 'bout it.
13,657 posts

everyone needs to whine every once and a while

Difference is I whine all the time... Good reason for people to ignore me, get away from me....

I am really sorry...
5,642 posts

I am really sorry...

It's okay bud...we all feel for ya, and though it is annoying that someone for such MAD skills to beat themselves up, doesn't mean we don't like ya.

I forgive ya at least *friendly side hug*
5,420 posts

So... I am sorry if I make you feeling bad or something... Really... Really sorry...

I knew from the start you were going to say that.I have to say you and me can not be any more different.If someone gave me constructive criticism half the time I will probably try to improve it next time,but I'm not going to worry too much about it.Heck if someone made a big deal out of something like that I would probably make the blood green and make the saturation way off just to spite them,because thats just the way I do things.You on the other hand I can tell really do seem like you have a murdered level of self-confidence which makes no sense to me,yes you are extremely whiny,but your only as pathetic as you want to be,as it seems you doubt yourself way too much.I definitely don't get where you got the idea that your writing or art were poor,as if your writing really was poor I really wouldn't care if you finished the story for the MWT.You just need to start thinking more positively thats all,and really you have nothing to feel sorry for,especially not for yourself in my opinion.
13,657 posts

I will keep it to myself..
But, well, writing something like is the onl way to get people to comment on the actual drawing... Still did not work, though.
Not so flats...

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