ForumsThe TavernWhat's the worst thing a kid ever did to you?

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Well, this isn't really the worst thing that ever happened to me, but at soccer practice, there's a kid who I really hate. And he really hates me back. We're competitive at every freaking thing. So, at practice, he through a soccer ball straight at my ear when the coach wasn't looking. It hurt like hell, so I turned around and pushed him to the ground. So he got pissed, and then later while were running the mile, he comes up behind me and slide tackles me from behind. And I was running full speed, so it was a huge, HUGE fall. He led 2-1. Later, while scrimmaging, he was the goalie, so I ran up and kicked it straight at his manly place. Like, straight at it, and then I ran around yelling "GOAL!!" 2-2. When I was taking a corner, he came up close to mark a player. And seizing the opportunity, I blasted the ball into his face. Then I yelled GOAL!! again. 3-2, advantage me. Then, while leaving, I picked up my Gatorade bottle and dumped the whole thing on his head. 4-2. He sat there in shock for a while, then came running after me, but I signed off by leading him into the goal. When he tried to grab me, I dodged away and he collided straight with the netting and got tangled up. It was absolutely gut splittingly funny. I then yelled GOAL!! and walked away.

Final score: 5-2
Winner: Me!

  • 72 Replies
1,463 posts

in 6th grade there was this kid named AJ.
He was the hugest ***.
So one day he was acting all cool and stuff trying to push me around and stuff.
Then out of no where he gets all mad after i said "dude stop you are being a complete jack ***"
then he punches me in the gut.
He ended up with a bloody nose and a ruined evening.
I ended up with a fine, a burning sensation, and no Computer for a month.

But get this, like 4 months later on my way to a camp that i go to during the summer, i find out that he is gonna be in my cabin.
One night when we did this thing in the water that was like a scavenger hunt, he just randomly tries to kill me by doing this: First he cupped his hand over my mouth and held me under water for like 30 seconds, then he socked be in the stomach like idk 5 times? then he kicks me in the place you do not want to be kicked.
Another camper in my cabin ripped that stupis son of a ***** off me before he could murder me.
AJ now is in juvy.
suck it AJ.

3,041 posts

well noone messes with me.dont know why..lets see the worst thing....well got hit in that stupid place..he ended up with a chest infection..never toldd his parents the truth..

671 posts

a chest infection? how did that happen from a fight? that comes from germs, not broken ribs

418 posts

lol either way it suckz

47 posts

I cant really remember a bad thing that has happened like that but that was some good stuff you did there. :P

2,169 posts

once, and 8th grader was at my 1st period gym, we were doing a pass the ball game, except we used a WEIGHTED ball, it weighed about 76 pounds, and the inside of it was made of rock, he has no life by the way.
he had the ball in his hands, and, you guessed it, he luanches it with ALL his strength, DIRECTLY at my chest, it shattered a few of my ribs and one was pushed into my lungs, i was taken to the emergency room, the school payed for surgery because they knew that if they didn't, they would be extremely vulnerable to a sue.
weeks afterward, in the locker room, some of my friends DESTROYED that guy, he got dominated on the mile run, everyone got in front of him, so he was right behind me, he was about to ram me, but someon warned me, so i slowed down a bit, stuck my elbow behind me, and ducked, his *weh Wanh* ran directly into my elbow, thus...

1,122 posts

Well in 6th grade there was this kid who for some reason hated me, one day we where playing dodgeball so he decided that it would be funny to target me first, so I dodged the ball and picked it up, then I rammed it into his ribs. For the next few games he was limping so I took advantage of this and kept hitting him in the ribs, by the third game he was crying and almost threw up, later he started trying to hit me so(as you knew that I would)I kept hitting him in the ribs until he decided to run away, he never messed with me again.

118 posts

its not really the worst, but itsa most recent and hurt really bad.

i was at my friends playin football and he threw it, i didnt catch it, it was over my head and when i ran to it, and bent down to pick it up, his little bother (satan) is 5 and ran up behind me with a sharp stick and stabbed me like 4 times real quik in the kidneys. it didnt get cut open, but it hurt really bad... i grabbed his foot and flipped him to the ground and left him there. he wasnt hurt.

237 posts

duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude!!!!! thats sick people you guys know, how the hell can you live in that school, knowing some psycho is next to you... jeec glad im danish.

all i have tryed was in 6th, when my whole class mocked me.
im a bit of a nerd you see, and i play a lot of computer.
problem is, i dont like soccer. and in Denmark, if you dont like soccer, your just not in. and stating, that some of these guys had been soccering, since they were like 2 years old(its true) and thus being total geeks, its hard to aguement it, when you got one dagger, and they got 12 with swords.
well so, after 6th i went to a new school(my 4th school)
which is one of the best in the land. now, in 9th, im a lot happier. so well it ended happily here.

oh yea i once knocked a guy out with a basketball to the face, becourse he laughted at me in sports^^ woooops

237 posts

also i have a non (somewhat) violent weapon to use against my enemys.

i have... ehm... a huge bodymass. its not that im fat, but with my massive 160lbs, can(in a running onehand tackle) instantly throw a man to the ground, leaving him vulnerable to... me siting on him. and if i sit on a persons head, i have a chance of breaking the skull, killing him. ofc i dont kill(hope im never going to) so i sit on his chest, and thats painfull, ofcourse i would have to take care of his arms...

anyway other than that, im one more exelent sharpshooters in denmark.
i can operate and reload almost everything you pop into my hands. and i can hit someone with a bullet and 50m with an unscoped gun

2,169 posts

i change mine, in 6th grade, this wasn't one kid, but it was 22 kids.
they all got basketballs and repeatedly beat me to death with them, they never stopped until the 7th period bell rang, I limped all the way back to Room 113.
If someone asks, "What did the teachers do about it?"
What teachers?
No there ARE no caring teachers, they almost broke 39 different bones in my body, and broke a ton of blood vessels, I almost DIED there

542 posts

on my 8th birthday this kid kicked my in my........and to get revenge when I opened up my presents and one of them was a airsoft pistol and I cocked and shot him 6 times in the chest.LOL =p

542 posts

sorry I ment to say loaded

672 posts

some kid slapped me with his downstairs parts

415 posts

Once, a kid shot my heart with a gun and i died

ya ya, i cannot be serious

Showing 16-30 of 72