ForumsWEPRShould Animals Have Rights? Why?

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Should animals have any rights? If you answer please explain.

  • 309 Replies
759 posts

hunting is an important part of society (or was anyway) and if hunting never happened we wouldnt be where we are. anyway back to the topic, samy i agree, they need not be slaughtered inhumanely.

1,353 posts

Honistly I hate hunting animals , and I would never want to kill an animal.
But the thing is , we need MEAT to live.
We need to hunt to survive.
And yes I do belive animals should have rights.

I have already mentioned we need to hunt .

If you want profe go to page 15 or 16.
And if you still cant see it keep looking lol.
759 posts

but you just said you didnt think we should hunt... its right up there

13,657 posts

Hunting is not barbaric if you know what you are doing.

1,353 posts

but you just said you didnt think we should hunt... its right up there

I did not say that at all.You misunderstood me.
I ment you should not hunt asnimals for the FUN of it.
I never said dont hunt for food.
9,434 posts

On the "maybe they are happy the way they are", well, that is a judgment humans are having a tough time making, apparently... If it is at good health, it is probably more "happy" than if it has big wounds or can't move around the way it was built to, right?
Then of course there is arguments about animals that have never known a better (less pain filled) life.
They don't know their life could be better. Does that mean it is our right to treat them that way?

1,353 posts

Does that mean it is our right to treat them that way

I think it is better to help a wounded animal then to let it sit there and die.

Dont you?
759 posts

i think it would be better to put them out of their misery.

9,434 posts

I think it is better to help a wounded animal then to let it sit there and die.

Dont you?
There is a huge difference between "mercy kill" and animal factories.
Don't start on me with that stuff you two just posted about. Last week I had two watch as my three rats got put to sleep in a not completely painless way (by a vet, but he wasn't careful enough for the needle not to hurt enough to make them squeak), but I knew they had to. My mom had been taking care of them for me, and despite a huge tumor developing on one of them and the other two having bad fur problems she didn't get a vet to take care of them. I believe animals have the right to be put out of their misery, even if it is a rather relative matter. It is extremely difficult for humans to judge whether an animal has a good life or not. I have way too much personal experience with this...

BUT, the argument I was trying to put out, is that I think it is deeply wrong the way some industries treat animals.
If you look at the sentence I wrote... "They don't know their life could be better. Does that mean it is our right to treat them that way?"
My own response to that is a clear no. I don't think we have the right to keep animals in a life situation that is obviously not good for them.
The three criteria of life, people... If those are not fulfilled, it is reasonable to put the animal to sleep. *not saying you're not allowed to eat meat with this post, this is focusing on something else*
9,434 posts

Uhm... Feeling I need to add:
Helping a wounded animal, yes, if it is possible, and the treatment of the wound won't end up causing more pain than a fast and "humane" kill.
I read the 'help' in your post as putting it out of it's misery first... But yeah.

But I do very much dislike the humans who let their pets receive very painful treatments rather than just having them put to sleep. That is human vain, and not in the 'best interest of the animal'.
Oh, I hate these subjective statements this topic is making me make...

759 posts

well people love their pets, and they want to save them. sometimes, it just causes more harm, and the pet will never be 100% healthy. but at least the humans are happy, they have their joyless animal. and it is a lot different in the drivers seat, im sure you would do it to save a loved pet. i know i would, but its wrong. this is going way off topic... no animals shouldnt have rights. there is already laws protecting animal cruelty. animals who are abused are given loving homes with people who will care for them. on cows going to slaughter houses, what is a cow going to do with its life? i wouldnt want to be a cow, because standing all day and being bored isnt my kind of lifestyle. plus, there isnt a shortage of cows, no reason to just let them live. plus, the longer they live, the tougher the meat gets.

1,101 posts

XD guys i was talking about a zoo. A ZOO. not some small cage where they can barely wander. In a zoo they make sure the animal has enough space for themselves, there own area. If its to small the tiger will attack, and try to leave. In fact most zoos give most of the animals that live outside (tigers, jaguars, etc) the ability to escape if they wanted to. The fact is they like it there. They get the proper food. they get water. They get essential nutrients that they need. If they didn't they would attack. The size of the enclosed area they live in are normally the sizes they need. Its large enough (thow it may look small, it truely is all they need. They like small areas, and some like larger. If more animals will be in their, they'll make the space larger and the animals will find there own spots to live. There very territorial and they understand the way they should live.
Now another thing is that there are animals who get abused. Which is why i said "most pets are better off than we are". I've already given my reasons, and i wasn't talking about the abused animals.
I already had a talk about abused animals as wellll... soo yea.
Farm animals I understand that they are born into a life of hardship. But cows, pigs, and free ranged chickens have an easy life.. Until they die to give us food of course. But most of my family are farmers. (not my personal fam, just my relatives) They have to listen to many laws in order to keep there animals. Most of them include no abuse rules, and allowing them to each have enough room... food, etc...

9,434 posts

but at least the humans are happy, they have their joyless animal. and it is a lot different in the drivers seat, im sure you would do it to save a loved pet.
Never ever again. Not in my life. The three criteria of life...
on cows going to slaughter houses, what is a cow going to do with its life? i wouldnt want to be a cow, because standing all day and being bored isnt my kind of lifestyle. plus, there isnt a shortage of cows, no reason to just let them live. plus, the longer they live, the tougher the meat gets.
Why do you think they are necessarily bored? Free range cattle can enjoy itself quite a fair bit on the fields, I assure you that~
What are humans going to do with their lives... Fill up on Earth, pollute it some more, die. No reason to let them live.
Anyway, not saying anyone should stop eating meat. Just stop producing it like the livestock isn't alive. And the reason there isn't a shortage is partly because way more are produced than consumed... The waste...
11 posts

animals should have rights because they are living things just like us so yes animals should have rights

47 posts

It seems to me that almost everyone believes that animals should have rights of one kind or another but no one really goes into what they believe those rights should be. So, assuming that animals should have rights, what should those rights be and why?

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