I know the cartoon of Pokemon is pretty bad but the games are great but you have to admit, a world where Pokemon existed would be pretty cool. Comments people? I'm not saying it should be like that, just that it'd be cool if it were. Also, feel free to talk about the games and asking for trades here.
Horses in our world is led by an old mare, and protected by the stallion. The stallion has nothing to say when it comes to where to feed and sleep, as I know. I might be wrong. Anyway, herds of Rapis and Ponytas ftw.
Asylums for crazy people, asylums for crazed pokemon?? *>.> at chanseys*
I would capture all the pikachus. Kill them all, but first harnessing all there energy and storing it. Then make the ultimate microwave with a little bit of there energy in each one, and i would come up with a way for the energy to revive itself in the oven so it would never go out and need a "refill".
If pokemon really existed i hope id be a good one because alot are stupid especially the new ones the original are way cooler id rather be one of the original version ones.
i would become the very best probably like no one ever was now i wouldnt say i would travel across the land i would search far and wide i suppose i would make it my cause too training them at least and then i would test myself and catch them when i got bored
Arcanine, WTF... what happened to pickachu and squirtle.. and all the other oldschool pokemon :c
And what's an arcanine, is that like one of those new Pokeman they are creating.
Seriously, you've never heard of Arcanine?? It's number 59 in the national pokedex thingy. It's that big tigerlike fire dog, evolves from Growlithe. Awesome creature. Not some silly fourth gen., but actually one of the originals. So ha.
And I still don't understand those of you who says you'll destroy and kill and stuff like that... Microwave?? I'm very much NOT fond of Pikachus, but killing off the electric mice... Oh well, sooner or later the Raichus would breed or the Pichus would evolve...
Wanna know what I'd do in a world were pokemon were real living animals? Rather intelligent animals for the most part... I'd seriously love to start off with a Poliwag, which is actually rather likely if living in an area with ponds and such... The official starters are only for the 'early risers' among the new trainers. Now, Poliwags aren't exactly strong or anything - and I'd hate to see it get hurt. So I'd most likely not capture any pokemons by beating them till they're too weak to fight the force of a pokeball, like most trainers do. I'd prefer taming them. Which means my team would most likely end up being birds, plants and woodland creatures... And still, I'd be uncomfortable using them to fight against other trainers' pokemon... I'd probably end up as a breeder or something...