
326 68037
522 posts

who thinks communism is good, bad , or misunderstood?
i think communism was currupt by that monster Stalin an therefore, it became hard for that form of government to be truely used as Marx had intended it.

  • 326 Replies
1,416 posts

You apparently aren't a Communist. Marxism calls for the elimination of classes and the state. There is no government in Marxism. kthxbie

1,353 posts

Honestly I think communist is totally wrong but it creates great fear to other contries,which makes communist countries are so powerful.

35 posts

i think its good most ppl dont know what to do so i say the gov shoud take over all of us muahahahahah

3,880 posts

who thinks communism is good, bad , or misunderstood?

When you get a definition of communism like "The government owns everything", then its definitely misunderstood. Which I guarantee is what 90% of the population believes. And theres some who think of communist as the 'gay pink commies', just the opposite of the 'Scary communists' but hell as long as its communism is viewed as bad.

You apparently aren't a Communist. Marxism calls for the elimination of classes and the state. There is no government in Marxism. kthxbie

Yes. Theres lot to learn...
And the 'monster Stalin' is just another capitalist propaganda.

Blame Gorbechev, instead.
1,416 posts

I'm not sure if "monster Stalin" is propaganda. He was one of the most brutal rulers of all time. Granted, if you mean that his actions are blamed on Communism, rather than the person, then I can accept that argument.

3,722 posts

I think communism is altogether wrong. Sure it means everyone gets the same amount of whatever, and no one is left in the dust, but most of the time that just means everyone is poor and poverty is the only thing that is there.

Communist Russia, North Korea, and Burma are great examples of screwed up countries due to the screwed up system called communism.

3,880 posts

I think communism is altogether wrong. Sure it means everyone gets the same amount of whatever, and no one is left in the dust, but most of the time that just means everyone is poor and poverty is the only thing that is there.

Communist Russia, North Korea, and Burma are great examples of screwed up countries due to the screwed up system called communism.

You need to check out what capitalism is doing to third world countries =D

Btw, the conditions weren't so bad as where people were forced in poverty. The Soviet Union was a great improvement over tsarist Russia.

Also, isn't it the fairest way if you say that if we have 40 burgers and 50 people, we should try to split what we can?
And the economic system that failed was not 'communism'...

No communist would even defend North Korea and its 70% budget spending on military -.-.
522 posts

well, Marx said that there should be a government untile a government is no longer needed, and either the leaders are stupid, or we are simply not ready for somthing like communism yet.

3,880 posts

well, Marx said that there should be a government untile a government is no longer needed

Well yes. Marxists believe in the Socialist stage as a transitional period to communism.

and either the leaders are stupid, or we are simply not ready for somthing like communism yet.

I didn't get this bit o.O
29 posts

Drace I think you're way off the mark. The evidence against Stalin is irrefutable. He was a horrible dictator and represented the bureaucratic counter-revolution that occurred in Russia following the Civil war of 1919-22.Why did he have to have the party purges in the 1930's, killing off any memory of what Bolshevism stood for, if he and his party was socialist? Because he wasn't, and his 'Socialism in one country' is completely bankrupt. Socialism cannot occur in one country, and Stalin's Russia is no exception. Lenin and Trotsky again and again reiterated the fact that without international revolution, Russia would fall prey either to external imperialist powers or counter-revolution from within. Drace I suggest you read some Tony Cliff eg State Capitalism in Russia, because supporting Stalin's Russia, or Castro's Cuba or Mao's China gives Socialism and communism a horrific name.

There has never been a successful socialist country, simply because of the fact that you cannot build socialism in one country. There have been massively inspiring workers' revolutions, all throughout capitalist history, and Russia is the only example of a victorious workers' revolution throughout a whole country. But with the failure of the German revolution, thanks in most part to the compromising, reformist politics of the German Social Democratic Party, Russia was left isolated in a sea of Capitalism, with a small working class that had been obliterated in the Civil War. In this environment Stalin was able to rise, but only because the basis on which the Bolsheviks ruled, mass participatory democracy through the Soviets or workers' councils, had ceased to exist in any meaningful sense.

I think communism is altogether wrong. Sure it means everyone gets the same amount of whatever, and no one is left in the dust, but most of the time that just means everyone is poor and poverty is the only thing that is there.

Do you think everyone wins with Capitalism? God no, with millions dying if curable diseases, of starvation when there is abundant food, of imperialist wars driven by competition inherent in capitalism. Kicking out people from their homes in America, forcing tent communities and carparks being full of people living out of their cars, while over 18 million houses stand empty. 18 MILLION!!! This is a world that is sick and twisted, and it is only when ordinary people organise and work cooperatively, together as one and fight for their collective interests that any progressive changes are made. All the luxuries we enjoy today were won off the back of working class struggle (the 8 hour day, the 40 hour week, equal rights for women, etc) and when people aren't collectively fighting for their rights, the Governments and business start scaling back on those victories. In Australia for example, people now work an average of over 50 hours a week, and this is a direct result of the debilitated trade unions and low level of working class struggle.
29 posts

Drace I think you're way off the mark. The evidence against Stalin is irrefutable. He was a horrible dictator and represented the bureaucratic counter-revolution that occurred in Russia following the Civil war of 1919-22.Why did he have to have the party purges in the 1930's, killing off any memory of what Bolshevism stood for, if he and his party was socialist? Because he wasn't, and his 'Socialism in one country' is completely bankrupt. Socialism cannot occur in one country, and Stalin's Russia is no exception. Lenin and Trotsky again and again reiterated the fact that without international revolution, Russia would fall prey either to external imperialist powers or counter-revolution from within. Drace I suggest you read some Tony Cliff eg State Capitalism in Russia, because supporting Stalin's Russia, or Castro's Cuba or Mao's China gives Socialism and communism a horrific name.

There has never been a successful socialist country, simply because of the fact that you cannot build socialism in one country. There have been massively inspiring workers' revolutions, all throughout capitalist history, and Russia is the only example of a victorious workers' revolution throughout a whole country. But with the failure of the German revolution, thanks in most part to the compromising, reformist politics of the German Social Democratic Party, Russia was left isolated in a sea of Capitalism, with a small working class that had been obliterated in the Civil War. In this environment Stalin was able to rise, but only because the basis on which the Bolsheviks ruled, mass participatory democracy through the Soviets or workers' councils, had ceased to exist in any meaningful sense.

I think communism is altogether wrong. Sure it means everyone gets the same amount of whatever, and no one is left in the dust, but most of the time that just means everyone is poor and poverty is the only thing that is there.

Do you think everyone wins with Capitalism? God no, with millions dying if curable diseases, of starvation when there is abundant food, of imperialist wars driven by competition inherent in capitalism. Kicking out people from their homes in America, forcing tent communities and carparks being full of people living out of their cars, while over 18 million houses stand empty. 18 MILLION!!! This is a world that is sick and twisted, and it is only when ordinary people organise and work cooperatively, together as one and fight for their collective interests that any progressive changes are made. All the luxuries we enjoy today were won off the back of working class struggle (the 8 hour day, the 40 hour week, equal rights for women, etc) and when people aren't collectively fighting for their rights, the Governments and business start scaling back on those victories. In Australia for example, people now work an average of over 50 hours a week, and this is a direct result of the debilitated trade unions and low level of working class struggle.

So in conclusion, yes communism is good, but is misunderstood, becuase as Marx said "the dominant ideas in society are those of the ruling class", and those that control society hardly have an interest in illustrating clearly what Socialism is. It is not Russia, Cuba, China, North Korea, Vietmnam (or Burma, which Ricador seems to think is 'socialist' even though there was a military coup, and not socialist revolution, in 1988) Socialism takes a firm, anticapitalist stance against all forms of oppression, and if you want to see a better world free of injustice, free of crisis after economic crisis, you should get involved with your trade union at work and join an International Socialist Organisation that doesn't support Castro or Kim jong Il, but the majority of people throughout the world.
415 posts

ya communism is totally misunderstood.
yes the government did use it for propaganda but that's a bunch of maniacs, not the true principles of communism

726 posts

communism is a way
to make poor people, poor forever
and make fanatics monsters more tyrant.
I know that ideas and theories of philosophers are some thing with an almost good looking shape but when those ideas are about to become real, there would lack some few sub-theories.
those sub-theoris are terribly horrible.

you can't find a communist country which its people live in balanced economical society and it's the worst paradox with basic theories and practical governs.

320 posts

Hmm I personally think communism is bad because it lets people never have the chance to become rich and it has censorship...

But democracy is also bad because we have people with massive amounts of cash who dont pay bills according to their amount of money properly.

I believe a mix of socialism and democracy would work the best..

1,416 posts

I dislike Communism because it is too easy to exploit. It is supposed to create a classless, stateless society. But it's very easy for a corrupt person to take power and claim to be leading the world to Communism.

Once someone has power, they will NOT let it go. Let's say the world does move to Socialism. Where down the line will the ruling powers give up their posts to create this stateless society? Power gained is rarely given up.

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