who thinks communism is good, bad , or misunderstood? i think communism was currupt by that monster Stalin an therefore, it became hard for that form of government to be truely used as Marx had intended it.
Btw, what would be the reason for a revolution other then to overthrow the upper class, to have your class interests win over the other
The French Revolution is sort of a classic example of this. Famine, fear of foreign invasion, and a series of very unfortunate contingencies led to "both" French Revolutions. To say that those involved in the FR had a plan of action in their heads before any of this started is absurd; without an end goal in mind, then how can there be any real conscious course of action? <--- rhetorical question
the small tribes of the Ice Age show a perfect example of people simply living their lives and takeing only what they need and nothing else. They could even defend them selves with out the need for a lord or king resticting their rights in exchange for protection and shelter. Communists strive for such human behaviors.
Well, in an effort to get my last opinion in because I can't use the computer much anymore, the problem with communism is the fact that the government can have far too much control over the state and its people and enslave them. The problem with capitalism is that there is too much free enterprise and the people either are winners or loosers regarless of how hard they work at at least some level. Socialism is pretty much a balance between the two depending on which one the state is more friendly with.
I say misunderstood. America hates it, but it's actually a good source of government if you don't overabuse it like most countries did, including the USSR
And you have fundamentally missed the essence of socialism/communism Agent 86, it is a system based on Workers' power, not some different form of government in a classed society. the russian state under Stalin was not a workers' state, and the government formed the new ruling class. This does not represent socialism, but was a successful counter-revolution against the workers' state. there have been no other workers' states since the successful workers' revolution in Russia 1917. This is because socialism is predicated upon workers' revolution, and the regimes of cuba, china, vietnam, north korea etc emerged from bourgeois revolutions or from another state bringing 'socialism from above' which is a complete contradiction to what socialism actually is.
in a communist country, doesn't the gov't choose each individuals identity? i remember reading that the gov't chooses every citizens proffesion, they get to choose who becomes educated, and the gov't gets paid for your work and then pays the worker a stipend.
Its a great concept, but never works out because everyone being equal ends up becoming, everyone being poor. Its impossible to have everyone be wealthy. And also the country slows down, no one has a drive to be productive because no matter what they do, they will get payed the same, and live the same, so why make an effort? In a capitalist society everyone has the power to work hard and make money, so everyone has an incentive.
half-true, but the drive to work is a better economy and a promise that eqaulity will not turn to everyone being poor, it is the common human's fault why we have people like stalin representing communism.
True communism, like true democracy, cannot work because both assume that man is essentially good and willing to take control of their own life for the better. Most people are essentially good, but likewise most are essentially sheep, willing only to be lead through their own laziness and apathy. This is why socialism works reasonably well; it is a compromise. Similarly this is why representative democracy works; represetatives (who admittedly are mostly interested in their own gain) make decisions other are not willing to take the time to make. The public pays just enough attention to keep them in check. Or at least some of us do.
it depends on where you are talking from. A communist in the USA isn't similar to a communist in Italy. communism isn't so different from fascism, or other forms like Germany in the 30s, China in the 50s 60s 70s, Cuba right now! ecc.. Communism gives everything to the State, like fascism, nazism, and like every totalitarian State shape that substitutes the single man with the nation, or a big part of it.