ForumsWEPRLets talk about heaven....

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I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?

  • 805 Replies
1,633 posts

Only human beings do, not angels. Angels must obey but GOD didn't make human "robots", we have free will.

@Mage: Yes, thats right. God allowed Satan to rebel, because he wanted us to have a choice. What is the point of free will if there is only one side to choose anyways? Thats why God allows bad things to happen to people, so they can either go "Ok God, I'm yours", or they can do the opposite.

syntax error in statement. please try again. So every angel but Satan is a robot?

He lives through us. And don't worry, he will show himself one day. I will pray for you and God willing, he will shed his light on you.

well if God is a star like you describe him to be, he has already reveled him self 4.6 billion years ago. He already gives off gamma radiation that can pierce through my skin.

f he really is as stated in the Bible this God has shown himself to be a petty jealous A$$hole.

He was acting like a b**** to the Israelites. A few of them decided "hey! this golden calf might be the real God!" and then all of them are plagued by ill fortunes and god expects them to love him to no end even though He deliberately punished them for a crime only a few committed. For some reason He wants humans to burn animal flesh as well.... Does it give him so sick satisfaction that he can make humans slaughter their own food source in return for nothing?

Really I find the concept of hell a restriction of free will. What kind of choice is it really if the alternative is torture?

Mage summed it up. a political example: There are free election in the wonderful country of FictitiousPlace (FP). Voters are allowed to choose between two candidates: Joe and Louis. But, at the voting booth, a large man with a gun is standing there. He is ordered to shoot any one who votes for Louis. You can vote for Louis, but you die. Generally, people have a habit for self-preservation, so they will most likely vote foe Joe because they won't be killed. They really don't have a choice in this matter, because Joe's goons force voters into voting for him. See what I'm trying to say?
77 posts

It's like in my Invisible Flying Elephant example, believe in it or get punch to a bloody pulp. Or as with religion believe in God or go to hell and get tortured. Does that really sound like a fair and just choice to have to make?

And I don't want to belive in you Elepnant. I simply refuse to belive it exsists. I know I'll be beat into a bloody pulp when I die, but hey, its an Invisable Flying Elephant. And I'm already dead, so an afterlife pulp-being-beaten-into won't hurt that much right?

(Nothing personal, just trying to get the point across ( :P )

9,462 posts

And I don't want to belive in you Elepnant. I simply refuse to belive it exsists. I know I'll be beat into a bloody pulp when I die, but hey, its an Invisable Flying Elephant. And I'm already dead, so an afterlife pulp-being-beaten-into won't hurt that much right?

(cracks knuckles) I don't remember saying anything about waiting til after you die. >
9,462 posts

Okay joking aside. We've been debating the existence of the Christian version of heaven and hell and by extent God and the devil in general.
But there was one comment that I kind of over looked that i want to touch on real quick.

you know, i thought that this would be a peaceful conversation by reading the first page, but, im guessing not and i mean, what we believe is what we believe and that's that

I recently found this video on YouTube. This is a very tragic story. While it doesn't deal with immaterial things such as heaven and God, it does however show why we shouldn't always just let beliefs go unchallenged.

What's the Harm: Eliza Jane Scovill
374 posts

Oh wow, we must be so scared of you MageGrayWolf, because we all know that you can just pop out of our monitors and start mauling on us.

But anyway, back to reality. There is no proof that God exists, except for the beliefs of a society of delusional indidviduals, and a book. On the other hand, there is carbon/radioactive dating, DNA genotypes, and all the science in the world backing up the idea of evolution and everything that contradicts the bible.

36 posts

Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one
gets to the father except through him !

9,462 posts

Oh wow, we must be so scared of you MageGrayWolf, because we all know that you can just pop out of our monitors and start mauling on us.

If your being serious let me reiterate that I was joking.

Jesus is the way the truth and the life no one
gets to the father except through him !

The only way to God is through a person who hasn't been around for almost 2000 years? Though Jesus is suppose to be a 1/3 of this God entity or something so I guess that's saying the only way to God is through God. I'm not sure if that makes any sense. Do you even know what your talking about or are you just repeating what you've been told?
389 posts

Mage you are a very intelligent individual I have to admit. And I see that you do not believe in God? The Christian God? Or even Jesus Christ. The Bible proves all of God's commands on his people. He promised the Jews a home in a book written some 4000 years ago and they recieved Israel? And God's people will always be at war.. look at Israel now? They have enemies on all fronts. Thats no coincidence. God is real. Their our stories all in the Bible fortelling events that actually happened. I just wish you would understand. But Mage you do make very good points and i respect them. I too even doubt God but he finds a way to enter my heart and prove me wrong. All you have to do is open your heart to him and give him your life. You will only then understand.

255 posts

evereyone just stop arguing. either you believe in god or not thats not even the topic is the topic says "lets talk about heaven" not wether you believe in god or not. the topic creator probably just meant what you think heaven would be like, not if you believe in god or not.

389 posts

Yes pk, BUT in order to talk about Heaven you need to know the background and the creator of everything right? its like trying to make a grilled cheese sandwich without the cheese..

600 posts

He promised the Jews a home in a book written some 4000 years ago and they recieved Israel?

Countries have formed many times in the past 4000 years, I'm sure every major religion has had its own country at one point since then, does that mean God gave them all their own homes?

And God's people will always be at war.. look at Israel now?

As wide spread as the Jewish faith is, I'm sure that at least 1 country with Jews will be at war, considering there has rarely(if at all) been a time in recorded history without war.
And Israel has been a country for, what? 60-70 years?

Their our stories all in the Bible fortelling events that actually happened.

Pick out a few specific ones.

evereyone just stop arguing. either you believe in god or not thats not even the topic is the topic says "lets talk about heaven" not wether you believe in god or not. the topic creator probably just meant what you think heaven would be like, not if you believe in god or not.

The existence of heaven, surprisingly, has something to do with heave.
3,817 posts

Mage you are a very intelligent individual I have to admit. And I see that you do not believe in God? The Christian God? Or even Jesus Christ. The Bible proves all of God's commands on his people. He promised the Jews a home in a book written some 4000 years ago and they recieved Israel? And God's people will always be at war.. look at Israel now? They have enemies on all fronts. Thats no coincidence. God is real. Their our stories all in the Bible fortelling events that actually happened. I just wish you would understand. But Mage you do make very good points and i respect them. I too even doubt God but he finds a way to enter my heart and prove me wrong. All you have to do is open your heart to him and give him your life. You will only then understand.

Oracals also made a few correct gueses. Does that mean Appalo is real? No, it means that there extream vageness helped them. If isrial was not at war you whould say its metiphorical. Saying somthing extreamly vague, like " If you don't give me all your food then somthing bad will happen" then you stub your toe, with your logic he was phycic, and with normal logic it was a coincidence.
3,817 posts

Also, I forgot to add, phycology whould make you relize every time somthing bad happens, even if you whould ignore it if he never said anything. Such as the previos example, if you dropped you cup before he came, then it whould just be a semi-normal thing, but if you dropped it after he told you, you whould notice and believe that you were cursed.

16,585 posts

I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?

I think heaven is real.... but do you?? Anyway this stuff is like religious.
1,633 posts

The Bible proves all of God's commands on his people. He promised the Jews a home in a book written some 4000 years ago and they recieved Israel? And God's people will always be at war.. look at Israel now? They have enemies on all fronts. Thats no coincidence.

wow! did you not read my posts!? The Israel example is a very poor example. I will predict that a great war will happen and a new country shall rise from it. Bow down, I'm a Prophet now according to you.

before you post, you should read previous posts.....
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