i think that we need it sometimes but not alweys... its importaint to have the option but its still used too often... so in a way yes but in another way... no
i think that they should get the death penalty because if the kill some one they shuld be givin the same treatment back that the gave to other people.....
I'd say cruel but not unusual...but it still would violate the amendment
How many times a day do you see someone get there hands chopped off?
i think that they should get the death penalty because if the kill some one they shuld be givin the same treatment back that the gave to other people.....
That is the case "An eye for an eye" but as Ghandi said "If it were truly an 'Eye for an eye' the world would be blind"
I'd say no because no one really deserves to die unless there a potential threat to the entire country.First,send em' to jail and then if they breakout or attempt to then give them the death penalty
i dont like the death panelty.i think that people get punished for what they do so they can get better or learn a lesson and not as revenge. in case of real danger i think they should just lock him in jail until he dies
I don't agree with it at all - not because i don't believe the criminal deserves death, i just don't think it's that great of a punishment. If a serial killer kills 20 people, why should he only die once?
I think the best thing would be actual life in jail. None of this probation nonsense. And none of this good behavior = better cells. I mean solitary confinement.
also, there is always the chance that the person is actually inoccent. and it will be so horibble if he would get that punishment. anyway, even if its proven i still think it shouldnt be done.
Sure it's great! The government should kill people that killed people...wait! That means we have to kill the government for killing the people that killed people. And then we have to kill the people who killed the government who killed the people that killed people. And then we have to....
I don't support it. Even if there is no doubt they committed crimes like high treason or large-scale murders. The purpose of the penalty system is to rehabilitate and forgive. If they're given a life sentence without parole, just give them something productive to do. That's free labor, don't waste it!
Should just shoot them on the courthouse steps, and make capital cases the same as standard cases. That cures the money problem right there.
So what if the wrong people are killed every once in a while? Innocent people are sent to prison every day, **** happens. One person isn't going to end the world.