So by this logic, we are not aloud to imprison people for holding people against their will? "So you kidnaped someone? Ok. We are better than you. So we are not going to do the horrible thing that you have done by holding someone against your will, so we will lightly slap you wish a fish and send you on your way."?
I find just imprisoning also quite stupid. The prison should be a rehab center, which wouldn't be against the rights of the criminal. It's, after all, for the safety of the public and the criminal himself.
I find just imprisoning also quite stupid. The prison should be a rehab center, which wouldn't be against the rights of the criminal. It's, after all, for the safety of the public and the criminal himself.
if we did this,what would prevent criminals from tricking the system and being released only to commit the crime again??????
if we did this,what would prevent criminals from tricking the system and being released only to commit the crime again??????
I think we should all understand that criminals are people. They're pretty much people that were a little absent minded, poor, not brought up so well, got into a rough patch, etc. They're not murdering machines. It's not as if 'Omgzdd he punched his gf now that he's out he'll go on a misogynist female killing spree'
I like the
Might be looked down upon, but it will be lest costly then killing them or keeping them for life.
It might be looked down upon, but not as looked down upon as killing them. Also, I'd make it time-incentive. -You've got 25 years. But, for every 100 whatevers of whatever you collect, you lose a year! It sounds great to me, you'll give them incentive, teach them how to work hard, and if they don't work, they rot in jail. A bit better than that.
It works perfectly fine in Norway.
\\ Norway is smaller and has less people. And it's cold so people are out less I guess I just think it would be really hard+expensive to implement on a large scale like the US
I just think it would be really hard+expensive to implement on a large scale like the US
Yea, that's what I'm thinking too. But, it's better then the death penalty (which doesn't scare many criminals) and we could put it on low scale level to start with (one, two states, small prisons) and then, slowly, but surely get bigger.
I find just imprisoning also quite stupid. The prison should be a rehab center, which wouldn't be against the rights of the criminal. It's, after all, for the safety of the public and the criminal himself.
I find just imprisoning also quite stupid. The prison should be a rehab center, which wouldn't be against the rights of the criminal. It's, after all, for the safety of the public and the criminal himself.
I stick by my theory that imprisonment is the best thing, as previously stated criminals could re-offend. Rehab doesn't work all the time. The prison system s very laxed and reward systems within prisons are terrible for criminals who have committed serious crimes. Solidarity confinement with nothing but their minds to reflect on the crimes they have committed and books should be allowed. Minimal interaction perhaps.
Yes, but only to people who are mass-murders. And If they murder once, life-sentence with parole. If they escape then life-sentence with no parole. Texas should chill out.
I really think that we should. After all, every single crime excepting thievery involves violence and possible killing. A robber holding a gun to your head is probably going to kill you if you don't give him what he wants. Millions of people have been ***** to death. Murder-taking someones life. Does that person deserve to live after taking life from someone else? These days more and more things are put into jail to make them more "comfortable". Do these people deserve jail for life? I think that they deserve worse.
I am 100% for using the death penalty. We all know once they are released they will just do whatever they did before again.
Agreed. However there are few people who really get the opportunity to think about what they done and actually regret all the time they were in the jail.
Sometimes the law is just a suckage where judges and lawyers are just moved according how much money they are going to receive and how much popularity they are going to get.
Actually, after what sadlittleduck said, I think they should kill every person who purposely killed someone. So kill Casey. But, right now, since most murders put people in jail do the same for Casey.
I am 100% for using the death penalty. We all know once they are released they will just do whatever they did before again.
Not always, but you're not completely wrong. I support the Death Penalty but I'm sure there are -some- who get released and live productive lives from what they have left.
I'm not sure, though. Those on Death Penalty are usually on Death Row, which is for life if they don't actually fufill the "Penalty", meaning they might die in jail anyway. So the point is kind of moot, I guess.
I'm not fully educated on how the system works. Clearly.