Why would anybody want their relatives to suffer, How could you not CARE? The world has been around for thousands of years, and id be really ticked off if we managed to destroy it within 100!
its the parents and grandparents nowdays who fucked the world up so they should do their bit to fix up it not go oh the kids can do it because that is whats happening
global warming is real and i think it will be a problem for our children or their children. We should start taking steps now to help correct this problem or we will have some serious problems in the future
i dont know, cuz it is happening, but i think liberals and such are taking it way to far. i think we either destory the worlds economy and stop global warmin, or just keep on going.
Global warming, a very controversal topic. Personally, I doubt that it is even a real problem at all, as all of the research I have done on the subject usually turns up showing very little (if any) dramatic effects on the earth.
Case and point - last year, we encountered one of the coldest summers in many states across America, as well as having one of the longest winters in NH in over one-hundred and fifty years.
However, I do love that new commercial: "Help stop global warming.... before all the Reeses melt..."
Global warning isn't showing significant signs of horror, except to some uknown wildlife. Which I think could be conserved by other means. We may speed the horrific process of heat up by 2%. My god, the world is endin. [Dun think so xP]
This is both funny (to see this) and sad (that they'll die out). But mostly funny (because look at him... kekeke). IF WE END GLOBAL WARMING WE END HILARIOUS PICTURES LIKE THIS. But we save the polar bears.
This is related, though, because if the icecaps melt away then all the species whose way of life depends on the artic freezing could go extinct.
Case and point - last year, we encountered one of the coldest summers in many states across America, as well as having one of the longest winters in NH in over one-hundred and fifty years.
Uhm...you realise this actually supports evidence of "Global Warming".
Global Warming is in some ways a misnomer in that people don't understand what the major effect of the phenomenon is: increased climatic variability and more pronounced extremes- just like the ones you've described above. The other problem people have is simultaeneously looking at data and figures from a very large perspective and a very small one- A rise in the AVERAGE temperature on the Earth by even a fraction of a degree is in fact linked to a whole raft of dramatic climate changes globally. A tornado, or a bushfire, for example, isn't that dramatic to the Earth, but it sure is for people! Also, we don't talk about a single event, but rather incidence and frequency, so think in the order of hundreds.
Furthermore, initiatives to 'combat global warming' actually represent a significant loss to economically driven corporations: not only do they have to shift their processes, but they have to sacrifice output to do so, and in doing so. What matters is for how long, and how long they'll put it off for that reason.
The alternative was the much debated scheme that allowed for the purchase of "carbon-offsets", in which companies instead donated funds to environmental initiatives...the problem being it constituted more of a feel-good measure that didn't address the main problem of actual overproduction of pollutants.
Global Warming doesn't matter to Earth itself, it probably wants a tan anyway! Animals (I use that word to describe all animals except Humans) aren't even aware that they are going to die eventually so they don't even know about this global hullabaloo (but if they did know i bet they would be pretty pissed off at us human). And us Humans can never agree on anything so we have mixed feelings and I don't think people will actually agree on it until they actually start dieing off. Think about the animals (if they were aware) think about Earth, think about us. Tell me if whether you care about polar bears and icecaps, or tell me you don't care and you much rather want a 7th continent real estate goldmine. As for me, I think that we won't come up with a solution until everyone does their part, but the clock still ticks 60 seconds every minute, and we might of already ran out of time.