global warming is happening soon the ozone layer gonna break off and for example there was like a tornado in ny last summer(doesnt happen a lot) and in ny in january it was like 80 degrees farenhiet ( not even sure if thats possible) and i remeber there was like snow in miami too or somehere south(doesnt happen a lot) sorry about spelling errors
Global warming is fake. The earth has been cooling and warming since the beging [<time seems like one whiny person, also earth wasn't here since the beginning of time anyway] of time. That is why the ice age happened. Anyways there is no proof.
You just proved global warming is real #1 and #2 there is plenty of evidence, the ice caps have shrunk a whole load in a short amount of time. I think what you were trying to say is that you think global warming is not a problem.
Global Warming, SARS, Y2K, Bird Flu, Communism, Islamo-Fascism, Cell phones causing brain cancer, and every other media scare. The media continually tries to scare us with crap that does not exist. Y2K never happened. SARS died out. Bird Flu was supposed to kill 500 million according to the World Health Organization. It's killed about 300 and has been contained. Neither Communism nor Islamo-Fascism has taken over the world like the media said it would.
Global Warming is just another scare tactic by used by the media. In a few years, something new will come up.
Look at the Milankovich theory. It says that the Earth's wobble, change in angle, and change in eccentric orbit is what's causing this warming.
I have heard too many enviro-police telling me that Hurricane Katrina, and the Hurricane in Burma were caused by Global Warming (GW). "GW causes storms to be more powerful," they say. NO! Hurricane Katrina was a level 3-4 hurricane. The reason why so many people died was because they had no where to go. It was not due to GW causing a more powerful storm. The recent Cyclone in Burma was terrible. Yet again, environmentalists are blaming GW. Yet again, it had nothing to do with GW. The media in Burma is controlled by the military dictatorship. They did not warn the citizens that a storm was coming. THAT is why so many people died (nearly 100,000). GW had nothing to do with the storm. And GW has nothing to do with anything else in the world.
Also, Enviro-Fascists have told me that "over the past 30 years, the coast line in Florida has decreased by six inches! In a few decades the sea level will rise 50 feet!"
I must ask, "SIX INCHES? That's it?" How in the hell do you equate that to 50 feet in a few decades?
Even then, if the ocean and sea level is rising, isn't it up to evolution? If a species cannot survive a six inch decrease in beach space, then they do no deserve to live. It is survival of the fittest on Earth. Even if GW is real, won't the strongest live in the end. Isn't that how evolution works?
The solution to global warming is like communism unless everyone does it, it will not work. Thats why i think that countries should spend their money on things like flood defence instead of green schemes as we are all doomed anyway
I think global warming will have it's massive affect in the year 2012. Those Aztecs or Mayans(I forgot) must have been a warning about something, and this is the crisis right now.(or at leat one of the major)
I have no idea what the heck the post above me is....relating global warming to pirates? IDK and I really don't want to know...
@Flamegoat The mayans, not aztecs, have not predicted anything...the resson that the mayan calender stops at the year 2012 is becuase either the mayans died around that time out or they relized that they had time, since the calender was made awhile before now, to finish it and never got around to it. Either those two or they got so busy with other things, like war or the spainards, to finsih it...but suggesting the fact that the Mayans were predicting this is ludacris.
People that say stuff like "theres no proof that theres really global warming, or who cares, or i wont be alive then, or I'm not gonna do anything because blah blah blah" bug me so much. Even if this is a normal cycle, Its great that people are panicking, let them, maybe something will finally change. No one does anything unless they are personally scared. I am happy that finally the government, organizations, and businesses are investing in research for efficient machinery, including cars, and other stuff. And that we are realizing that we need to change the way we do things, because even if global warming isn't being caused by us (even though there is no doubt humans have had an effect on the climate) There are tons of other more troubling problems that will arise out of the way we are expending energy: pollution, waste, Air and water being contaminated, and there is no way we will be able to live in such a lavish way as we do now, in the future. My global issues professor was talking about how right now, the quality of life is the best that it ever will be, and its all going to start going downhill from here. We have reached the pass the peak of energy and resources available per capita, and its just going to get worse unless we begin to use everything that is renewable, non-contaminating, and efficient. These are goals that we should have, no matter what is going on. I'm happy that The Global Warming Scare is pushing people to make changes.