ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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4,375 posts

"Hell!" Ding slamed his foot against a loss brick sending it flying. "were the hell is the end of this!" He hurled him self down another path to be ment by a much wider street. There was a large once beautiful fountain, that no longer worked, and look black and broken, though oddly not a singel crack was on it. "Is this the end?" He walked on, there were buldings, two story, with gray dry walls. He walked up to one, and touched was real. Looking around him, he slid through the door way. The house was completely empty, not a singel thing or person in any shop, or any were. Walking back to the fountain, he kicked it, sending a skiding off the pavment. "What in the...." he gasped, the fountain had restored the broken chunk. He tryied again, and it happened the same way. He then tryed it with a peice of the building, and the same thing happened. "What is this place, and why am I hear?" Ding wispered. Now he was angry, he started yelling "Hello! Is any one there?" Please, help me!" He only got a roar load in his ear turning around was a a beast, which he had never seen in his wildest dreams.It was a dark color, an odd shade of purpleish blue. it had a gapeing mouth, long arms with huge claws at the end around 2 foot long each. It had long long legs that came down to two pronged feet. It's eyes were small, and it shoed no sign of ears or a nose. Its rib cage was the house of a black mass....most likely what was left of it's heart. "O Now what in the hell is this!" Ding ran back avoiding on of the arms swinging toward him. He pulled out hiss word and readied himself. The thing was amazingly fast, swinging, biteing, and kicking, anything to knock him down so it would get closer to him. "So cool are we? taste rock!" Ding had broken a peice off of the fountain and wipped it at the creatures mouth. When it hit the void like mouth, it was gone, simply obliverating into dust. A bit shaken, ding tightened his grip and ran to it. "AHHH!" He swung down ward, but the creatures talons had stoped his blade. It then kicked catching him hadr in the ribs sending him sprawling across the pavment were he smashed into the wall of a building. He had hit pretty hard, but didn't have time to lick his wounds now. He quickly got to his feet and winced in pain at his left shoulder. he did a quick hop to his right then rolled around the mouth quickly sliceing across. He caought the mouthers arm, severing it right above his elbow. One less arm to worry about, though he was farily certain the orb was what he need to destroy. The was now a dark red streem of blood covering the creature, the ground, and dings feet. The creature let out a loud shreik and ran faster at ding. he was backing slowly away, using his sword and reflexes to dodge or block the creature. He threw him self into a door way, and ran up the starirs 3 at a time. When at the top, he ran for the windwo, and threw him self out, rolling upon impact to break his fall. The creature, then stumbled over to the windwo, and jumped about 20 feet above the roof, then smashed down and emitted a horribel roar. Dings hopes of it falling wouldn't be happening. It charged and ding couldn't move it fast enough, it's left arm slashed his right leg sending blood sprying out, and a sharp pain to appear in his leg. He felt a jerk on his cape, and saw the creature slip and fall on it. Ding seized the oppurtunity, and drove the sword down, through the creatures back into the black mass of a heart. It let out one final scream. ding had won. He walked over to the fountain, and collapsed into it. He tore a peice of cloth from his shirt and wraped his leg with it. it wasn't a deep cut at least...

Ok, well thats as much as i am typeing so enjoy.

4,196 posts

@ Kingryan:

AHAHHAHAHHAAHH DUDE! What was up with his arm like growing i nthere after he ate the funny looking fruit?

Umm...for starters it is a capsicum. It was meant to be like Popeye and the spinach.

Digitally remastered my a-...I know you're trying to pull a rickroll Kingryan, don't think it's going to work :P

Yeh, It was digitally remastered...and its not a rickroll.

kingryan's link is not a rickroll, Strop. I swear on the mazzelhs.

YEh, told ya so Strop!

Okay, let's call that a super ninja-sense FAIL D:

Kingryan, is that a Mozart oboe concerto I hear in the background?

EPIC FAIL! Ahaahahaha!

Umm the music is one of the sample tracks that came with is Mozarts umm...*copy and pastes title*

Symphony No. 3 in E-flat major, Op. 55, 'Eroica' - Scherzo- Allegro vivace

Kingryan: i now have a mental image of Kai doing the "blah, blah, tower, blah" with a fitting expression. not sure if i should thank you or not for that, but looks good, really.

Ok then...I got that idea from Yugioh Abridged...when Joey and Tristan are watching Kaiba duel Pegasus. Pegasus is like : Blah Blah Blah Attack Mode Blah, etc...

hey kingryan, I think the digitally remastered one isn't quite as good as the other. lol.

Yeh, thats not as good...I kinda rushed it...

. Her surface have become 2dimensional, and rather badly drawn. It occurs to her... This scene is no more than the drawing of a child.

Thankyou! Now I can draw it without any effort and it will look good! Yay! Or I could even animate it...*thinks*

The pavement is rather flexible, like a trampoline. He laughs a little from this discovery, and bounces off into the city.

YAY! Woohoo...Charlies gonna bounce his way to victory!


Wow..I'm gone for ONE night and look how many replies I have!


Charlie and the Maze is being turned into a video game, to be released shortly. It will be titled 'Charlie and the Maze.'

Anything else?

To work on entries or not? I LOVE NO HOMEWORK!!!

10,816 posts

Darn it KR, that's not fair, I still haven't sat my exams yet D:

I will start drawing (when I'm not studying, which is now). I will put drawing the reserve of Story of Strop on hiatus and work on these instead.

Because I intend to draw 10-20 page chapters each, I'll be posting them in my own threads upon completion, and dropping a link here to reduce clutter.

9,434 posts

Strop, you renamed the thread faultily. The round title is Blood - not Monster Challenge.

Eck, already two entries for me to read tomorrow when my brain isn't tired goosh after all the spam it has seen today!

1,463 posts

"Oh, you have got to be f****** kidding me."whined Phil. The monster let out a deadly roar. Bob smiled. "Dude, are you freakin' demonic or something? What in the living"Phil uttered as Bob grew as large as the monster.
"Go." commanded Bob.
Without a word, Phil bolted towards the monster, scythe ready. He reached the monster and went for the decapitating slice. I worked! Well, for like 2 seconds, then it regrew its massive bloody head.
The monster opened its mouth showing hundreds of gargantuan teeth. "Buh bye."Phil taunted as he appeared behind Bob, who was about 2 meters from crushing the monster.
He rammed the monster, flailing it into a wall head first. It got back up, healing once again.
"No." Blurted out a jango named Jack.
Jack doubled himself. 4 times.
The 32 Jangos ran toward the monster, yelling "Die!" and flailing their axes.
17 seconds later, when they stepped back, all that was left was 3 dead bodies and 5 puddles of blood.
"I think y'all one."said Bob, shrinking down to Phil size. "Just to be sure..."uttered Phil, with a smile. He started a fire in his hands. He admired it for a minute before he threw it into the puddles.

"Victory dance?" asked Jack.
"No, no not really..."

10,816 posts

Okay, title amended. How come strop gets to fight zombies instead then? :P

1,463 posts

I wish Phil and the guys got to fight zombies instead of some hugenormous blood monster.

*Hums you can't always get what you want.*

4,196 posts


Wandering through the streets had taken its toll on Delairi, and she stumbled out into the field. She suddenly felt really weird, so she looked down and saw that she had turned from a living breathing creature to a 2D Pencil Sketch. She was devastated. Suddenly a monster appeared from the long grass. A tense fight then happened.

Oh No! Delairi was swallowed by the creature. But she isn't dead yet...


2,278 posts

Nice Ryan, what I don't get why is there no blood?There should be some dripping from the dragons mouth.The thought of blood makes me shiver inside.

4,375 posts

lol KR. I still can't figure out the prononceation of that she gonna kill her from the inside out?

13,657 posts

I will just smile, give Skater, slliM and Kingryan a thumbs up, and head to the toilet.
Good work, people.

4,375 posts

Wait.......O right, see I thought you told me to go to the toielt, got a bit confused. lol

4,196 posts

lol KR. I still can't figure out the prononceation of that she gonna kill her from the inside out?

I think it is Del-ARE-ee....or Del-AIR-ree....Idk...

You will have to wait and see what happens...

I will just smile, give Skater, slliM and Kingryan a thumbs up, and head to the toilet.
Good work, people.

OK...I don't really understand!



The muchly anticipated game 'Charlie and the Maze,' has been finished. It will soon be soon as I can work out some way to get it on the net...

*wanders off....possible in Klaus' direction....*

4,375 posts

Wwo, NO WAY! How much time do you have KR? I Hope to see it be awsome and what not. lol

5,642 posts

*wanders off....possible in Klaus' direction....*

oh no! he's going to the DARK SIDE OF THE FARCE!
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