Well to start out i dont beleive in evoltuion so the fact that other things cant be taught really ticks me off but i just want to see what people think and why.
Want to know the difference between a theory and a scientific theory? One word.
I'm guessing you've done even a basic high school science lab.
To form a theory, first you make a hypothesis. "If I perform X action onto A object, it will cause Y action to take place on B object," etc.
Then comes studying, observing, or full-on experimenting. This is when data is collected.
From there, the data is observed, and conclusions are made from the information that was gathered. This, with further experimenting, leads to a theory. Theories are only "theories" still, because there is not quite solid evidence to make it a law. However, there is still strong evidence pointing to the actuality of the theory.
Theories are only "theories" still, because there is not quite solid evidence to make it a law. However, there is still strong evidence pointing to the actuality of the theory.
Made law?There is no law you have to be taught thees foolish made up therios called evolution.
There are many religious beliefs out there about origins of life, but there is only one form of science...so to teach all religious beliefs you would have to spend more time in school..which I would rather not...I would like to not have to spend anymore time if you can find away to shorten the time i'll support that lolz...
I would just like to point out that this Samy guy is one of the most ignorant and stubborn people I have ever seen debate on this issue. I just read all 460 of the replies to this post, so there are way too many instances of ignorance portrayed by just one person for me to mention... but holy crap. Most of the time you make no sense, and your arguments have absolutely no backing. You keep saying the "scientific part of creationism". There is no science behind it! There is plenty of science and observations behind evolution. I don't understand how you can just flat out not believe it. Anyway, I have so much I can say about this whole thread, but I just read all 46 pages, so I am not in the mood to type much more now.... I will almost surely be back.
Anyway, I have so much I can say about this whole thread, but I just read all 46 pages, so I am not in the mood to type much more now.... I will almost surely be back.
After reading over that much I look forward to your thoughts.
I read up to like 10 pages not as much as Maverick5762 but I agree sammys logic is not well founded and flawed by his biased opinion of science that then affect his weak explanation of scientific ideals that have no propositions to support his arguments.
I believe this thread ended when necromancer posted this.
It isn't against religion if it doesn't teach ID, in fact it better supports it, Ask a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Jain, a spiritualistic animist, a Taoist, a Shinto believer, a Nordic "Paganist," Pastafarian, etc. They all have different beliefs, to teach one and not the other is to attack a religion, only the secular and universally justifiable evolutionary theory should be taught.
Really how would you even begin to construct a valid argument against this? You would have to argue that evolution itself should not be taught and attack the cores of science all together. there is no logically way Intelligent design or creationism to be taught at schools without attacking the foundation of science all biasing ID over other religions. Would you want to be forced to learn Buddhist if it contradicts your own beliefs? Every religion could argue that it should be taught. But where would that lead to? More discrimination?
[quote][i]Really how would you even begin to construct a valid argument against this? You would have to argue that evolution itself should not be taught and attack the cores of science all together. there is no logically way Intelligent design or creationism to be taught at schools without attacking the foundation of science all biasing ID over other religions. Would you want to be forced to learn Buddhist if it contradicts your own beliefs? Every religion could argue that it should be taught. But where would that lead to? More discrimination?
I'm of the opinion that's why a lot of kids are being 'homeschooled'.
America needs to decide if, as a country, we keep to our history of religion as a Christian Nation. It's goes hand and hand with believing the Bible is truly the word of God and that we are still One Nation under this God?
Politicians need to get off the fence and pick one way or the other because I don't think we will be respected else where in the world until we do. Today, all politicians want to say to the other nations of the world is, "I'm sorry.", excuse me but what exactly are we apologizing about? If I'm way off base, please tell me.
America needs to decide if, as a country, we keep to our history of religion as a Christian Nation. It's goes hand and hand with believing the Bible is truly the word of God and that we are still One Nation under this God?
We were not founded as a Christian Nation, we were founded to be secular and the "under God" part was only added later.
Even if America is a Christian nation it doesn't give people the right to teach religion in Biology class. It's like wanting to teach Art in Maths class cause you don't think everything should be reduced to logic and numbers.