The thing is Darwinism is what scientists think is the absolute truth,and even though they have no absolute theory of how life began,they still think that anyone who doesn't believe in Darwinism is completely ignorant,including highly credited scientists
I stopped reading there.
Why? Because we don't think they're ignorant in any way.
It's media, do they ever make an effort to imply evolution is a good way of learning, or mention it in a positive manner? NO.
Do people ever research things for themselves (aka being ignorant and lazy, so yes, in a way)? YES.
Only the people whom aren't lazy and wish to actually learn something truthfully decide to learn, that could be anything. And when you think that we believe you're ignorant, you are only further implying that statement, nice one mate. -.-
Pointing out flaws and contradictions is an attack?
No, but because their Religion is (as always, nearly) to never question it, it kind of does become an attack.
But it is in every persons right to question what they follow or what they do, something which rarely comes into peoples minds nowadays (as they do not think before they act). The strange thing about this is that, despite all the evidence pointed out, no one seems to argue that God is wrong.
Let's face it, he is. He thinks blind faith and a lack of personal judgement is good! Also, if you querstion it or defy him for reasonable points he would want you to burn in Hell! (literally)
Uh huh. Very nice guy.
This isn't biased either, there really is no good way to put it except a 'leap of faith' in which no reasonable person would do.
But, there are situations where it is forced on you at young age, making your religious will nearly unbreakable when you're older. But if you ask yourself 'Why do I believe this?' you'll often come out with "Because God is our creator" or something, not 'Because my parents were the same Religion'. In a way, blind faith makes you even more blind. Kind of amazing, in the bad way :/
- H