I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
Burning the flag doesn't accomplish anything in my opinion, it just makes people think you're either a terrorist or very un-patriotic. Most people will never look any deeper than that, the only people you will sway is people who already agreed with you.
If it raises the moral ina protest, it's all good with me.
Doesn't have to be disrespect to a nation, can just show disagreement with certain things.
Right. Disrespect to the actions of a nation is not disrespect to the nation.
If burning the flag is wrong in your opinion, you probably like the quote "my country right or wrong"
If an American flag touches the ground, it is meant to be burnt as a sign of respect. If it becomes worn and tattered, it is burned as a sign of respect. There are a few other reasons that the flag should be burned. If, however, you're doing it for disrespect, you should get out of our country. The freedom of speech thing I don't get. You can get arrested for defacing American currency, but nothing happens if you burn our flag? Odd.
so I'm camping in the woods with my old boy scout troop. We stop and set up camp and try to get a fire going. We need some tender to start it off with. none of us have any paper, so We dig around to see what we can find. I found this American flag bandanna in my pack And I suggest we burn it for tender. So we burn it and the fire starts. Would it be unpatriotic to burn a flag for warmth?
I dont know if anyone else has mentioned this (there is 50 odd pages of posts) but I think of bill hicks
Patriot - "my daddy DIED for that flag" Bill - "Really! Wow... I bought mine..."
Noone died for the darn flag. They died for what the flag means. Go burn the saltire, I wont like it, but feel free to burn fabric, so long as it doesnt have a high plastic content, the enviroment needs saving you see...
Someone has to be seriously pissed to burn a flag out of hate or whatever. Maybe we should listen to what they say and actually take on board their feelings, doesnt mean we have to agree tho.
It seems to me there are two distinct and clear arguments here. Let me try and sum them up.
Pro-Flag burning: It's freedom of speech, it's not hurting anyone, and everyone has a right to peaceful protest.
Anti-Flag burning: People have fought and died for it, they can move to another country, and it can be tantamount to the wish to burn America down.
Sorry if that's simplistic, but that's what I see the arguments boiling down to. Anyway, I could give my opinion, but that would just be another of the 100's on this thread. The fact is, people have died for our country, but they died for all of the country, and that includes the Constitution which gives the right to free speech, the crux of the opposing argument. The way I look at this is to apply our countries law to the issue, rather than my feelings.
The constitution says that everyone has the right to free speech, and speech is not only speaking, but symbolic as well. It also says that peaceful assemblies are allowed, and flag-burning is not necessarily a violent event. My contention is that, as much as I would like it to be illegal and believe it is horribly wrong, it is free speech and is not hurting anyone, so therefore, in this free country, should be legal.
If you want to say you have freedom of speech in your country, you have to except the fact that that means people are allowed to have a different opinion than you.
NO! NO! That's just stupid. You don't even know anything about laws I bet. I should be illegal because it hurts my feelings.
If you were someone else, I might not have seen the sarcasm.
That's cause you're SOOOOOOO stupid. The following is a list of things that should also be illegal;
Country music Scary movies Spicy food Breaking up with someone Waxing a frequently used hallway Crust on bread Swear words Words that aren't swear words but are still mean Hannah Montana Drama movies Any movie with a death count under 25 Any movie where one or more of the kills do not include a backflip, explosion or witty one liner Vegetables Homework School Work Curfews
And many, many more. I should make a thread strictly about things that should be illegal...