I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
Wrong it represents different things for different people
Fair enuf... tho there comes a point where some people let their idea of a symbol spill into real life. I understand that people may be upset because someone burnt a symbol that they hold values and ideals with, but to let it cloud judgement is a mistake too many "atriotic" people make.
we are a country where people have the option to both change peoples minds and the government.
That is a debatable point.
As michael moore said "you can be flucked by people who say they are gonna fluck you or you can be flucked by people who said they wouldnt"
He is very right, so there isnt much of an option to change the goverment (at least not without devoting your life and soul to it). Not saying any other countries are better, but america has this patriot thing yet skrews its population in many subversive ways while grinning white teeth and spewing lies of loyalty and patriotic behaviour.
doesnt mean we just give up and stop caring.
I agree, sadly many are tricked into "caring" about the wrong things like someone burning your flag because they dislike your country.
I feel UK is heading the same way, but I pray to KoD Im wrong.
Why? I agree parts of Europe are flawed - especially the European Union - but not all of Europe is bad. There are several political systems that operate in Europe that work far better than the one America has now.
Look, you could effectively end up with a democratic president that can't do anything because Congress is republican and oppose everything he does and visa versa. You can't tell me that's a good system?
Look, you could effectively end up with a democratic president that can't do anything because Congress is republican and oppose everything he does and visa versa. You can't tell me that's a good system?
Actually I can. Our government is one for the people where the people can chose how our government is run.
I'd suggest having a Head of State and a Head of Government for a start. Become like the UK and have a Monarch and Prime Minister. Then adapt it a bit. Only reason you guys even wanted independence was 'cos we didn't send you some MPs over and you were being taxed a little bit too much.