I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.
By which type of vote? Popular or electoral? Because the popular vote dosen't matter. This is a democratic REPUBLIC. Means leaders are elected by the people but can vote however they want.
You reeeealy think democracy is a working system within western society? I have to disagree. If democracy worked then there wouldnt be poor people, there wouldnt be uber rich people, there wouldnt be protests or different political parties with the same views that peddle themselves as a different party. I doubt, very, very, very much, that poor people vote; for themselves to stay poor, for the rich to stay rich, for homeless people to stay on the streets while others have many houses (some within the government thats meant to be serving, SERVING, us) or for good food to raise in price while crap food stuffed with additives gets cheaper.
The same goes for Communism, if it was done correctly, everyone has an equal chance and we all share the resources. Quite obviously Communism was not being practices when the Tzars were controlling and killing their own people in Russia! Starving them and taking the benefits of their hard work. Sounds kinda like our democracy.
This is no democracy, its a capitalist system, clear as day.
Not really, unless you're doing that in China or N. Korea they can't really get you.
I didnt say outside the Chinese embassy but I should have been clearer.
The winner is the guy with the most state victories.
Erm... thats not what happened when bush got elected as president. There was controversy, recounts, votes discounted at the last minute etc etc etc. Cmon dude the whole thing was an open sham.
Analog you're fears are baseless but there's something basic in economy that you need to understand in order to know why USA is a democracy after all. Its a tough fact to know though. Unlike in socialist countries, in the world of free market the country doesn't have (and should not) give anyone almost anything without return. When someone is not working, he is not helping the economy so the system will make sure he doesn't get paid until he finds a job and does his part in the economy. By not giving money (or food) to people who don't work, you get a lot more people working because they still need to put food on the table and in other words, people are a lot less lazy. People want to get far in life after all but in the world of the free market that's only done by hard work and studies. So in the socialist world, poor people get (in theory) paid even if their lazy while in the free market world they aren't. Still some people are lazy and stay poor but in the capitalist economy every family that works hard could get out of poverty or at least make sure their kids do. In other words, some people would stay poor but the whole system ensures greater efficiency. After clearing that part up, I would finish with democracy doesn't have to be capitalistic, its just an economic way for aduption. Many countries in Europe (like Croatia and my own country) are also partly socialists unlike USA but stay democracies. As for the bush thing, like every single other president he did everything to win the elections. If he did something undemocratically in order to win then bring it up and better if its with a source if you have one.
I think burning the American Flag could've got you arrested for arson depending on where the flag was and maybe property damage if it didn't belong to you.
The common reasons for burning a flag are:
As a protest against a country's foreign policy.
To distance oneself from the foreign or domestic policies of one's home country.
As a protest at the very laws prohibiting the actions in question.
As a protest against nationalism.
As a protest against the government in power in the country, or against the country's form of government.
I think it's sick, just like how they have the protesters in the military cemeteries holding signs that say "Thank God for IEDs" and "Kill Our Troops"...it's just sick. We have men and women over in other countries dying for us and they are thanking terrorists and others for killing us? It's just f*cking sick, and it honestly disgusts me. Burning the flag is essentially saying a big "F*CK YOU" to our troops, and it's kinda like pissing on the bible, or taking a sh*t on the Quran. The American flag is often held as a symbol for freedom, and they don't seem to want that?
Oh god you had to bring that up. They claim it's freedom of religion but really they just hate. You're right: it's very disrespectful. It's not like they're decent and tactful about it. They even protest funerals. That's sick and wrong. They believe god is responsible for the terrorist's actions; they claim it's his "revenge" for accepting gays and such. I don't know why everyone blames god for every problem anyway. According to the bible, the devil controls the world:
(Matthew 4:8,9) Again the Devil took him [Jesus] along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, and he [the Devil] said to him [Jesus]: "All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me."
The Devil couldn't have made the offer if he didn't own them. Those protesters are just another plot to make people hate god.
Hmmm... I composed/ submitted it an hour ago. Maybe there's a filter blocking it. Maybe it's under review. Idk. If I'm not notified or it's not up after 12 hours, I'll try again.
Your bloody deluded man! Talking to me as if this system is fair and honourable. My fears are FAR from baseless
Try to see this logic: If you didn't have to work hard in order to get you're money, would people still work hard and run the economy? Or would everyone slack around and wait for money from the government - money that can't continue to come if the economy doesn't run. That's the thing about capitalism, it ensures the need for people to work hard and run the economy. As for fair, nothing in the world is 'fair'. The closest thing to fair you can get is to make everyone as poor as the poorest guy around.