ForumsWEPRBurning of the American Flag(or country flag)/freedom of speech

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I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.

  • 925 Replies
322 posts

And that's why some people will still be poor. But fine, back to topic.

1,573 posts

If you didn't have to work hard in order to get you're money, would people still work hard and run the economy?

It depends on the benefit of the work.

Try to see this logic... a world without "money"

And things may not be fair but we have the ability, without doubt, to make things better on earth and that is spoiled by a small percentage of greedy people who think they deserve more than others.

Please dont try and talk as if this world is "dog eat dog" unfair because as a race of animals, we have outgrown the petty squabbling that causes;
My *(insert social status construct here)* is bigger/better/harder/faster, so I will take all your stuff.

Although sometimes I do wonder if we really have passed that "infant" stage. If we cant get past the actual burning of the flag to the root cause then where are we as a race overall?

I disagree that the closest we get to fair is lowering ALL standards. I think we can raise standards far more easily.
322 posts

Without looking at the overall economic benefits, I think the guy that works harder and spent more time studying when he was young deserves more then the lazy guy who doesn't do much.

9,439 posts


spoiled by a small percentage of greedy people

The majority of people are greedy. People will kill eachother in Africa over a T-shirt. My mom knew a guy who went there on a mission trip and they were handing out clothes. When they ran out, some people started fighting/killing eachother.

we have outgrown the petty squabbling that causes;
My *(insert social status construct here)* is bigger/better/harder/faster, so I will take all your stuff.

Less than 100 years ago, imperialism was still in effect in many countries. Remember WWII? Japan had taken over a large chunk of Asia, Germany took most of Europe. They wanted those changes to be perminate, but they lost. Sure, people want to "take all your stuff", but with the modern military, it is less practical. If one attempts to take another country now, nukes could get launched.

That mentality is the reason why things started to change in the business industry about 100 years ago. The rich believed the way to get rich was to work hard for it. The poor were working hard, but wages were low and working conditions were bad. So with that plan, the rich families stay rich and the poor families stay poor. There are more poor so they form unions and revolt.
322 posts

The difference is that today poor people have opportunities to get out of poverty by various means or at least make sure their kids do. Every poor person for example gets the chance to get good grades in school and a scholarship to collage or if he grows up and saves some money he could pay for his kid's collage.
That\\s why capitalism works and you don't have people revolting right now in America.

9,439 posts

I agree it is easier now than in the past to get an education. However, even college education dosen't gurantee a job that pays. Some that make it through college, even on a scolarship with no debt, still struggle due to the state of the economy.

We are still severly off topic. Maybe we should make a different thread?

1,573 posts

The majority of people are greedy.

I disagree. Circumstance is the main reason people act in such a way.

If one attempts to take another country now, nukes could get launched.

Its done much more subtly nowadays. We do it by inserting a person who we want in power and they run things how we want. Like Saddam Hussain.

The difference is that today poor people have opportunities to get out of poverty by various means or at least make sure their kids do.

I agree that while poor people have more opportunity its still far behind what we could and should achieve. There is still a large amount of social status stigma where your class means everything. So while I wish it were this simple and that we all had the same chances of our fellow pupils, its simply not the case. If you can't afford extra tutoring and the teacher does not like you, where does that leave someone? Yes they have the opportunity, no they dont have nearly as much chance as someone with money.

That\\\\s why capitalism works and you don't have people revolting right now in America.

?!?Capitalism is not Democracy tho?!?
There are also plenty of people revolting in western society, we just tend not to use guns.

We are still severly off topic. Maybe we should make a different thread?

I would hasten to add that we should be allowed to burn our flag in protest. In a real democracy that right would be kept intact and also in open debate, not have some lil punks coming in stating that they wanna hit people in the face for burning material, which there have been a fair few of in this thread.

Perhaps a thread asking if we are really a democracy would be in order, tho Im sure there have been a few but one more cant hurt
9,439 posts

Yeah I'm going to make the "Is the US really a democracy" thread now.

9,439 posts

I'm gonna make a thread of "Is capitalism the best form of economy" or something like that.

1,482 posts

I disagree. Circumstance is the main reason people act in such a way.

Circumstance wins. Saying that Africans will kill for a T-Shirt doesn't prove anything. We have a kid a few blocks down the street, his house is huge, he has loads of stuff. I'm not greedy or insane enough to kill him. I have enough of my own. Raise standards to an acceptable level and give everyone the opportunity to excel, and people will be happy with where they are in life -- either accepting that they could have had more if they tried or continuously trying to excel.

Its done much more subtly nowadays. We do it by inserting a person who we want in power and they run things how we want. Like Saddam Hussain.

Or our old fashioned economic imperialism. People may not realize it, but America literally owns Latin America

we just tend not to use guns

Protest banners are the new anti-government warfare armaments.

I agree it is easier now than in the past to get an education. However, even college education dosen't gurantee a job that pays. Some that make it through college, even on a scolarship with no debt, still struggle due to the state of the economy.

Really?? I've never heard of that. Of course, it does depend on what you mean by 'college'. If someone went to a community college, took a few remedial courses and became something like a lab assistant, then what do you expect?
There are many people who leave college earning less than they expected they would, people like lawyers and such, but for the most part, knowing something will give you an edge in the economy. Back in the day of immigrants and factories, you either knew how to manage and made money, or you know how to move your arms just like everybody else and labored. Standards are higher and people are given the opportunity to do more with their life.
1,573 posts

Raise standards to an acceptable level and give everyone the opportunity to excel, and people will be happy with where they are in life

Which is proven to work and stop flag burning ( my way of keeping on topic :P ) The Suprising Truth about what Motivates us
166 posts

If it resembles burning america, then lets torture them. I'm thinking putting them in a big metal container then dumping Poisonous gas in?

1,824 posts

That's boring. I think a bamboo shoot, as a seed, planted underneath them, tie them down on there back, and the shoot will grow through them! One day, a nagging pain in your back, two days later, a shoot has grown through your stomach.

166 posts

That's boring. I think a bamboo shoot, as a seed, planted underneath them, tie them down on there back, and the shoot will grow through them! One day, a nagging pain in your back, two days later, a shoot has grown through your stomach.

Yeah that would be better than mine, I just ripped off what the Nazis did to the Chinese and Americans in WW2
1,824 posts

I ripped mine off a Japanese WW2 treatment

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