ForumsWEPRBurning of the American Flag(or country flag)/freedom of speech

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270 posts

I saw yet another video of a group of protestors burning the American flag. The disgust me! Please tell me someone else out here agrees that it is wrong and should be illegal.

  • 925 Replies
322 posts

Someone pointed out earlier that its about hating the government and not the people, that's why I mentioned that.

says the one that celebrates the death of an enemy leader?

That's the difference I mentioned between hating a people and hating a government. There's a world of difference.
3,671 posts

Well, let me see if this make sense it is sort of like the mom place lasagna for the child to eat but, the child throws it on the ground rebelling against the mom. Now, what is the bigger issue the fact that the kid threw lasagna on the ground that can be easily cleaned up or the fact that the kid is rebelling? So, same thing it is just a flag but, the fact that people are burning the flag because they are rebelling against their own country??what is going on?

310 posts

It should be illeagal to burn anyflag American or not

322 posts

I think burning you're own flag is retar***. It fails in getting you public support and doesn't really express you're opinion other then that you're angry.

185 posts

Flag burning isn't exactly the most effective way to protest; it just makes other people angry.

However, It doesn't mean we should send the police out to get them. Maybe we should listen to their opinions before judging their act as treason.

1,573 posts

It is retarded to make burning a symbol illegal.

Retarded and wrong.

Maybe we should listen to their opinions before judging their act as treason.

That would be a wise thing to do.

what is going on?

Something that needs to be.

Violence will only become the wrong way to protest and rebel when governments and corporations start listening to opinion. Otherwise, and sadly, violence is the most effective force for change right now.
I truly, deeply wish it was not so
322 posts

Its stupid to rule out an opinion because someone burned a flag while trying to pass it on but there are countless ways those people can pass on their message without burning flags and giving ground to people for burning flags would only give them more legitimacy to do it and more people would find it a better way to protest.

In Syria right now people are burning Iranian flags. I think it's wrong to do that (better smack shoos at Ahmadinajad's pictures ) but their opinions should still be heard.
When a few dousn communist Mexicans decides to burn an American flag for example, I don't think it even deserves air time. Find some other ways to express you're opinion get get lost.

Violence will only become the wrong way to protest and rebel when governments and corporations start listening to opinion. Otherwise, and sadly, violence is the most effective force for change right now.
I truly, deeply wish it was not so

You live in a democracy? The government listens to you, don't be so quick to get you're torch. If you're opinion is solid enough and other people also support it then you will reach the media one way or another.
5,043 posts

Why is it wrong to burn an American flag but it's okay to hold up protest signs? What's the difference?

The only difference I can think of is that flag burning is even more offensive than a sign. However, no matter how offensive flag burning is, we have the right to offend. In fact, that's the point behind burning flags. We also have the right to make sexist and racist statements. We have a right to speak out, even if our message is wrong.

1,627 posts

It should be illeagal to burn anyflag American or not

Look up Texas v. Johnson. The Supreme Court states that no matter how distasteful an action could be-such as burning a flag-it is still protected by free speach laws.
1,573 posts

You live in a democracy? The government listens to you, don't be so quick to get you're torch. If you're opinion is solid enough and other people also support it then you will reach the media one way or another.

True, yet not true.

Not true because I dont live in a democracy and neither does anyone. There has never been and likely never will be a country that follows democracy or communism. Sure they SAY they do, but when you look at whats going on, its clear that neither democracy nor communism has actually happened by its definition. They also tend not to listen to the minority or the people with an opinion that doesnt get votes.

True because I am a lazy bum
9,439 posts

The USA is a republic not a democracy btw. Trust me, I know all about republics.

As for burning flags, it is not illegal, but it is considered highly disrespectful and is frowned upon by many. In that respect it's kind of like not bowing as low as a superior person in the Far East.

322 posts

USA is a democratic, whatever you call it. The guy who gets the most votes is elected so they listen to the voters. Minorities have a large effect on the votes because they usually all vote for the same guy and that can turn the tables in some states if one minority choses one guy or the other.
If 5 people think they have a solid opinion on why USA needs to become communist then nobody representing the peoples opinion needs to listen the them. Governments aren't and should not be listening to opinions that have no support by the public their representing. If someone has an idea and he wants the government to listen to him the best he could is try to spread it in the media bu nothing more.

1,573 posts

USA is a democratic, whatever you call it.

But its not. It may say it on the front, but underneath, its not. Just look at Bush Jr getting into power when it was quite blimmin obvious that he did NOT win by vote majority. It was warped and twisted to ensure victory.

Governments aren't and should not be listening to opinions that have no support by the public their representing.

This isnt the case tho. There are many, many people within any democracy that are being ignored because it doesnt look good or would lose votes. Its not even a minority. Look at the issues surrounding cannabis. There is no doubt that there are a huge amount of people that smoke and will continue to do so regardless of law. Sounds like a dictatorship in sheep's clothing to me.

To arrest someone for burning the flag, crazy!

If it gets to that point then I can absolutely guarantee that it will eventually come to arresting people for speaking out. I know this because it happens in many countries right now. Try burning the Chinese flag outside their State buildings and you will be lucky to come away without a sound kicking, or if you are a known protester, lucky to get out of jail anytime soon, or at all.
322 posts

But its not. It may say it on the front, but underneath, its not. Just look at Bush Jr getting into power when it was quite blimmin obvious that he did NOT win by vote majority. It was warped and twisted to ensure victory.

USA has a democratic system that ensures stability in a special way. The winner is the guy with the most state victories. So if California has a 55% vote for bush then both wins California and gets all its votes. Its often happens that the winner is not the one with the most votes but the one with the most state victories.
Another example for a country who uses this system is Spain. Its very effective because without it a close tie could mean instability for a country and that's bad for everyone if noone is sure who won. This way there can't be a close tie.

This isnt the case tho. There are many, many people within any democracy that are being ignored because it doesnt look good or would lose votes. Its not even a minority. Look at the issues surrounding cannabis. There is no doubt that there are a huge amount of people that smoke and will continue to do so regardless of law. Sounds like a dictatorship in sheep's clothing to me.

Its very so the case. The leaders are supposed to represent the majority's opinion, if the majority of the public doesn't agree on something then it would be wrong for a leader who represents them to act as if they do. People who hold unpopular opinions can't expect the government to represent them unless they convince more people about their opinion. If they can't do that then maybe its a bad opinion but even if its a good one, it would be silly for a leader to represent 1 guy instead of 99 guys who think otherwise. In fact, that would not be a democracy if that was so because it would be ignoring the majority's opinion.
If you think that's a dictatorship then go visit Syria or North Korea, see whats real dictatorships do.

If it gets to that point then I can absolutely guarantee that it will eventually come to arresting people for speaking out. I know this because it happens in many countries right now. Try burning the Chinese flag outside their State buildings and you will be lucky to come away without a sound kicking, or if you are a known protester, lucky to get out of jail anytime soon, or at all.

Not really, unless you're doing that in China or N. Korea they can't really get you.
322 posts

*So if California has a 55% vote for bush then bosh wins California *

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