All of those drugs were created for some sort of legitimate purpose.
Created? Most drugs are found in nature, they existed before the plague of humanity was spawned by Earth. We didn't CREATE drugs like LSD for specific purposes. Some of them just happened to be useful for certain cases (I.E Medical Marijuana.)
Just to clarify - Tobacco and other drugs were used as part of spirituality before science explained how and why they influence the mind. I remember viewing a documentary about a tribe that gives new-comers a herb that they must eat. If they survive until the effect of the herb no longer affects them, they become part of the tribe. Also, smoking tobacco through a pipe carved according to the tribe's "superior being" is common when they aren't hunting for food, etc.
A famous rumour that isn't necessarily false is that tobacco companies BRIBE the government, to avoid being closed down. Besides, if tobacco were to be classified as illegal substance, we would have many more people serving time in prison, as they would be breaking the law by attempting to purchase it from drug dealers, etc.
Don't get me wrong, smoking is extremely bad for your health, but it's effects are GREATLY exaggerated as lower use, I don't want my government telling me what to do, especially if they're lying. The facts that smoking relieves stress and increases concentration and reaction speed are considered false. Education is important, I don't want the government lying to protect me. I know tobacco is bad for my health. Say I am writing a report on Tobacco, if I wanted to write the truth I'd be scolded by my professor/teacher.
We didn't CREATE drugs like LSD for specific purposes. Some of them just happened to be useful for certain cases (I.E Medical Marijuana.)
LSD was in fact developed very early on for use in experiments involving fungi however it was later experimented with by both US and British intelligence services and militaries. It was a man made drug.
A famous rumour that isn't necessarily false is that tobacco companies BRIBE the government, to avoid being closed down.
Like i have said earlier in this thread governments gain a lot from tobacco companies in tax revenues. The companies don't bribe them in the literal sense of the word but are taxed so highly on these products that they give the government a means to tax people indirectly.
yes i think public smoking should be forbidden. I mean if you were in a booth and someone was throwing anthrax in the air wouldent you want to move from that area. Same thing applies with smoking it kills. Its a good thing. If your gonna smoke then smoke in the comfort of your home dont punish everyone else
I think smoking should be banned in public places.
Because second hand smoke is as deadly as smoking directly, in some cases deadlier. So just someone wants to kill there lungs, it does not mean the rest of us should suffer and have possible health problems.
I think thats bad why=because thats a very bad habit and if there were no smoking then they would go crazy then thats reallll badd but second hand is bad to so i rilly dont no but i dont care rilly about people smoking in public so ya.
They wouldn't go crazy. They'd simply be pissed, the funni thing is is that when you ban something, you need the force to keep it out a while and make sure everything stays peaceful.
And just because you don't care doesn't mean others don't, so you should try to look at this from a world-perspective. Also, at least those that aren't smoking because of this are staying more healthy.
After all, if we all smoked the phrase "At least we have our health" would be utterly useless.
It is a good thing as it gives non-smokers a better enviroment inside public buildings. Also in the cold winters the ban may encourage people to stop as they won't want to catch a cold.
I don't see why its obvious if its bad, it only is if your addicted.
Ricador, If your close enough to be affected by Sekund Hand Smoke -- Your receiving what the main person is receiving only in an unfiltered form. Thus usually causing more lung damage to the person being affected by Second hand smoke.
Then again -- Second hand smoke is something where you usually need a few smokers nad have to be close enough to inhale the smoke. So it does depend.
Since I have Asthma, it really annoys me when people smoke indoors near me. I mean, I have to walk away from my parents, or shoo them away if they come near me with a lit cigarette. Indoors, it is simply inconsiderate to everyone around you. I think smoking areas would be better than no-smoking areas, you know, the majority of places should be no-smoking.