ForumsWEPRIs Stealing for Survival: Good or Bad?

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In these troubling times we see in the news that more and more people are losing their jobs. Hence, we see a rise in criminal activity. There was a news article that just recently caught my attention in the Wall Street Journal, âBusinesses Say Theft by Their Workers Is Up.â Here is the link to the article if you wish to see it, just copy and paste it in your search bar:

The article is not the main topic, but it serves as more of a reference to this discussion.

Is stealing for survival good or is it still considered as plain stealing no matter what the motive?

  • 199 Replies
2,226 posts

It depends. If you steal food or water because you NEED it, there's really no other choice. On the other hand, if you take a tv or jewelry that you DON'T actually need, that's not right.

3,025 posts

i would definitely let someone steal from me if i knew he really needed it

In which case it wouldn't really be stealing :P

Stealing is the badness that is also the result of badness. People who steal for mere SURVIVAL might think that they cannot rely on another person to support them until they can get back on their feet and the only way they can get around it is to take what they need for themselves.

Stealing is always wrong, as thebluerabbit said, and as bad as it sounds, there is nothing wrong with hauling what you have to yourself. Whilst it would be considered twisted by the vast majority of people (including me), it's not necessarily a bad thing to do - just the lack of a positive one.

It's one of these questions I'd rather not answer because I'd rather there be no need to steal.
Sadly, that is not the case. :/

It depends. If you steal food or water because you NEED it, there's really no other choice. On the other hand, if you take a tv or jewelry that you DON'T actually need, that's not right.

It's the same principle though, for survival actually changes nothing - the value of a life means nothing if you undermine your moral belief (which is to me the most important thing someone should have).

- H
3,371 posts

If it's for survival then yes. You can't always get support from someone, and if you can you might not know where to look. People become really despreate when they need to survive. Surviving is like a natural instinct. It's not exactly easy to make your self starve if there is food directly in front of you and you were told you could't have it. I know that if I hadn't eaten in 2 or 3 days and there was food in front of me I would definity eat it. Even if it meant stealing. Do I want to steal? No. Can I probably beg people for money or find a place where I will be givin free meals in an hour or two?Yes. But if I am starving, then there will be very little reasoning going on. You have basic needs and if those arn't achived it gets harder to focus on other things. At that point my mind would be simple and all I would know is that I need food as soon as possible and there is food that I can get.

1,608 posts

I'd say no. It is in some kind the same as cannibalism for survival wrong!

35 posts

bad,even If you are hungry you didn't bought the food.
but stil is depended on what kind of situation are and how much i'ts worth

2,487 posts

for gods sake, this thing has been necroed three times, just let it die.

1,824 posts

Bladerunner, I have seen a great MANY of the threads in the WEPR forum necroed. This is minor compared to some.

It's a tough question. On one hand, the person being stolen from will be upset, on the other hand, the victim probably has enough on their plate to share. I'm not sure on this, it's conflicting morals

1,810 posts

I'd say no. It is in some kind the same as cannibalism for survival wrong!

There is just a minor difference between cannibalism and stealing.

This has been repeated many times, but if you desperately need the thing you are stealing, like food or water, than go ahead. But don't go stealing from someone who will then have to resort to something illegal has well. Also, don't steal from someone financially insecure or that is in the same boat you are in.
896 posts

Not all stealing is just food. I'm sure we can all agree that killing is bad. If you kill someone, that is technically considered robbing them of their greatest possession, their life. So if someone were out to kill you, would you kill them first so you can survive?

4 posts

I agree with AfterBurner0
I learnt at school that 10 percent of world people are criminals or offenders.In their childhood they didn't learnt at school and when they are majors how can take a job?
Transforming in a farmer or taking some mediocre jobs
Once the technology develops,the state don't need no more people like them so they need learned people ,who know to control the technology's developing
So people with no job steal or they make some rents and transform in farmers(farmers have their food and profit)
That's my oppinion!

896 posts

I agree with AfterBurner0

I'm glad you agree. But the rest of your statements make no sense. XD
1,608 posts

For me it depends on the sutuation. If u have the possibility to gain food/water to not steal for it (like getting it from let's say the churches) you shouldnt steal.
But what if there is a man, just had a car crash, and reached after 2 days a house, but the owner won't give him food/water. And after a hour the owner leaves, then it i cant make a problem if he steals something.

Sry for grammar.

29 posts

Stealling is against the law is wrong the state have a lot of ways to find you a job, food and clothes.

702 posts

There is no right or wrong answer, of course, as the topic of ethics is a highly subjective matter, but thought certain subjects may be worthwhile to discuss, I don't feel that anyone should present their opinions as fact. Kohlberg's 6 stages of moral development clearly outline the various arguments that can be drawn, both for and against such acts. I could easily provide an equal and opposite counterargument for either side against any reasoning. You might say that the theif's family will suffer without money, but what about the people who work at the establishment being robbed? What if that theft forces the owner to make job cuts? Then even more people are out of work. You might say it's against the law to steal, well I say the government is a reflection (or should be at least) of the will of the people, so it should do nothing to prevent these families from surviving. All this debate proves is who can provide the counterarguments most effectively, so this becomes a contest of strength rather than morality

1,826 posts

Some wise man said
"Beware of a hungry honest man and a full jerk"

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