Well, I am only 14, and I haven't even had my first job yet, so I don't think that my opinion will be as valuable as those who have gone through it, but you can't go wrong on the internet!
[quote]I doubt many of them have no other options.
A popular saying (and a controversial one) is that the rich are the worser theives.[/quote]
Yes, tons and tons of controversy.
Here's my little rhetorical question:
Lets say
Person A worked hard for a living, and was born in a developed country, say, the U.S. or Canada. He was able to get an education here, and as a result of studying hard hours in University, became a Medical Doctor. He later leads a successful and respected life while making six figures with his wonderful family.
Now lets say that
Person B worked hard for a living, and was born in a different country, say, India, and decided to try and find a job in the U.S. or Canada where he believes he will get a better life. He went to University in India and is a Medical Doctor as well, but he is also an immigrant, meaning his chances of finding a job are lowered as U.S./Canadian customs goes down harder on immigrants. He then does not find one, ends up with a less glamorous job as a taxi driver, and struggles in this new country which he has trouble living in due to his cultural difference and lack of income.
Which one is the bad person?
I'm not exactly expecting a definite answer.
Good and Bad is technically just morality that is determined by the said persons. So technically there is no such thing. Possibly society might find it "bad" in general but on a case by case basis you would find people that don't conform to social groups and believe in their own universal truths.
Yep, technically it depends on the state laws and mainly your morals to define if something is bad or good. I've never heard of a country that legalizes theft, but... lol
Stealing is bad irrespective of it being for survival or not. If you're down and out, have lost your job and have no means for taking care of your family you can always ask for help from the government or a family member. How can your conscience allow you to steal from a hard-working guy to provide for your family even if you're in dire need of it? It's a lowly act of desperation. It's like saying, I'm in need of money, I'm going hungry and have no means to survive so I'm going to rob a guy who does work hard to make ends meet. Everyone needs to work to survive, we just need to stop looking for short-cuts to get there.
You could still do labour if you're not educated instead of stealing.
There are lots of jobs. Unless you're handicapped or something.
Have you ever seen
Mickey Mouse goes to Haiti?
It shows how
Disney is getting people, mainly women and children, in Haiti to work for pennies a day making t-shirts, Mickey Mouse gloves, and other
Disney products inside sweatshops. Up until August 2009 when the Government of Haiti raised the minimum wage, each person working in the sweatshops received less than 0.5% of the revenue from each product sold.
Of course it makes sense that they could have found jobs better than this, but some just don't have a choice, and what about that neat little earthquake which shook them up months ago?