Okay, that's not the end of it. This couple has 3 kids, and "Adolf Hitler" is only the son. They also have 2 daughters who have the middle names of "Arian Nation" and "Himmler"...
if he wants to name his kid Leonard or Adolf Hitler he has that right however distasteful it may be and legally, at least in Pennsylvania(i only know 'cause i live in Pennsylvania), the store has to have a sign somewhere that says they reserve the right to refuse service or they could be sued
Also, I've heard reports that this guy actually has swastikas all over his house, he gives the "Nazi salute" to everyone, and he likes to click his heels a lot...
Thats kind of wierd, but why would the couple name their child Adolf Hitler? Even if they're holocaust non-believers...but even so, I don't believe in a god, but I don't name my child Jehovah or anything. I think the store has the right to refuse, but at the same time, it's just really a name..so idk. The whole thing is kind of weird lol