ForumsWEPRRepublicans, attacked?

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232 posts

I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters
Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!!
bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office

sadly i know this will be locked =(

  • 255 Replies
1,353 posts

alittle bit to much swears in there but I do agree with you on most of this.

2,301 posts

I don't even know where to begin...
I do. Both liberals and conservatives tend to have opinions with no logic behind them, and try to make up facts to support them. (I specifically address the liberal view of gun control and the conservative view of homosexuality.) I personally have a liberal viewpoint on most subjects, but affiliate myself with the conservatives, because they agree with my on what actually matters to me.
232 posts

woody_7007 you need to pick a side cause imagine if 2/3 of the population thought that then anyone can be president.

2,662 posts

woody_7007 you need to pick a side cause imagine if 2/3 of the population thought that then anyone can be president.

Firstly, why do i need to pick a side? I like to pick an issue, let it swirl around in my head for a little bit and then make an informed descision, picking a side would mean you have a closed mind before hearing the issue. Secondly i am not American and in Britian there is a multi party system over here not just Republicans and Democrats. Thirdly would it be a bad thing if people didn't pick sides. It would probably mean more focus on party policies rather than relying on certain demographics voting for a party making policies improve. Fourthly, surely anyone having the ability to become president is one of the key features of a democratic society?
232 posts

you could have told me your from britain XD and liberals are the one that are closed minded over here there's two big news stations cnn and fox news fox is fair and balanced while cnn is completely liberal of course they don't think so. and about the president thing i meant like an inexperienced person OH wait that already happened over here we have barack obama now.....

506 posts

Secondly i am not American and in Britian there is a multi party system over here not just Republicans and Democrats.

I really need to move there. Great tv and more diversity in your political process.

imagine if 2/3 of the population thought that then anyone can be president.

Wait, what's wrong with anyone being able to become president?

Both liberals and conservatives tend to have opinions with no logic behind them, and try to make up facts to support them.

The great thing about an opinion is that you don't need facts to back it up. It's only when you claim it as an absolute truth is when you need facts to back it up.
2,662 posts

liberals are the one that are closed minded over here

sounds like u r pretty biased. Lemme guess. Conservative right?

over here there's two big news stations cnn and fox news fox is fair and balanced while cnn is completely liberal of course they don't think so

It's called freedom of the press. They have the right to express whatever views they want.

and about the president thing i meant like an inexperienced person OH wait that already happened over here we have barack obama now.....

Dont get into Obama vs Mccain as that is another debate. But i will make this point, can he be any worse than George W?
506 posts

fox news fox is fair and balanced

Should I bring out the piles of actual evidence to show that fox news uses lies in their news stories?

and about the president thing i meant like an inexperienced person OH wait that already happened over here we have barack obama now.....

How do you quantify experience? No one has experience being president until after they leave office.
30 posts

I have to say first of all i believe global warming is real and we need to solve it. And second of all the beauty of America is having the opinion to think what you want about conservatives and liberals. I for one am more liberal then conservative. I am conservative when it comes to abortion though and only agree if it's for the health of the mother or the baby.I'd have to say im more liberal but im not on either side of the fence really.

4,871 posts

@guys there isn't such a thing as a non-biased American media source, Fox swings way right wings, CNN way left wing, the rest tend to be more left but you know, also I'm really starting to hate political parties I saw we get rid of them make them more guidelines than rules, no more pitbulls with lip stick, or people biterly clinging to their God and gun :P

1,523 posts

fox is fair and balanced

Funny story, lol. My Journalism teacher slowed down the period between "news" and commercials for us, and on the side the words "Fair and Balanced" flashed on and off the screen several times. Funny story.

Fox swings way right wings, CNN way left wing,

I would say that FOX is waaaaaaaay more right-wing than CNN is left-wing. They have their party preferences, but I've never seen CNN turn something into a "terrorist fist bump".
4,871 posts

I would say that FOX is waaaaaaaay more right-wing than CNN is left-wing. They have their party preferences, but I've never seen CNN turn something into a "terrorist fist bump".

I'd disagree, then again I we tend to be biased twords our side, blinding us to a bit of it.
232 posts

wow i am truly amazed do you wanna see what will happen without political parties? nothing will be solved. woody_7007 i will not criticize your politics but did you just say george bush was bad? i have an idea! lets bring bill clinton back! great idea lets have sex scandals and do nothing! bush tried to help america but no one cared they wanted him to do it all barack obama has not been in office yet but when your buddies with a TERRORIST there might be a problem plus chicago politics are dirty no doubt he was involved with bribes. kris seriously? i believe in freedom of the press but almost all editors are liberals so if you pick up TIME magazine or rolling stone it will be completely left wing nut jobs and i guess no one really cares about the U.S.A it's kinda sad looking at all the great things we did like help out in world war 2 while having an economic crisis so kris go live in europe forget everything that makes ME proud to be an american.

1,523 posts

Bladerunner, you do realize that America was founded without political parties, right? Look up the election of 1800 and you'll see what I mean.

i believe in freedom of the press but almost all editors are liberals

Because they went to college. A liberal arts college. Those who have a college education are more likely to be liberal in their political views.

Other than that, I didn't bother reading through the poorly written wall of text. Sorry.
4,871 posts

wow i am truly amazed do you wanna see what will happen without political parties? nothing will be solved. woody_7007 i will not criticize your politics but did you just say george bush was bad? i have an idea! lets bring bill clinton back! great idea lets have sex scandals and do nothing! bush tried to help america but no one cared they wanted him to do it all barack obama has not been in office yet but when your buddies with a TERRORIST there might be a problem plus chicago politics are dirty no doubt he was involved with bribes. kris seriously? i believe in freedom of the press but almost all editors are liberals so if you pick up TIME magazine or rolling stone it will be completely left wing nut jobs and i guess no one really cares about the U.S.A it's kinda sad looking at all the great things we did like help out in world war 2 while having an economic crisis so kris go live in europe forget everything that makes ME proud to be an american.

Some scream anarchy you scream monarcy. Also parties get nothing done, O haven't seem much improvment since well Abe, and thats when parties were just starting. I'm on your side man, don't puch me away :P
Showing 1-15 of 255