When people hear Germany they think of hitler and WW2 and how bad the nazis were. But the question is in their point of view were they bad people? Sure they killed jews. But when your country calls you have to go. their was rebellions, but none succeful. Try to flee the country instead of serving you would be shot. Most were excited and glad of what hitler said. He was gifted in the art of speech. Jews were also thought of as the enemy of Germany, and bringing their country down. What do you think of nazis?
that's right there is technically no such thing as good or evil it depends on your point of view. some people thought the Nazis had the right idea and some didn't.
Well, i've been reading from Germany and the history of Germany and, from what i've readed, Hitler's nazi group had to work their way up to leadership. They once
Seeing through their eyes, they saw jews and other kind of people (like people with mental problems, homosexual people, etc) as junk, so the big genocide they managed to do cleared all that junk.
Hitler didnt only do bad things, in the first years of the III Reich, Hitler managed to get Germany a lot of cash, and Germany was poor in those times.
Did you know, that not all Nazies belived in what was happening/ what they were doing?
Sure there were the extreamist, but there were also those, who thought that in the beggining the Nazi party were just a group of politics. But as the war went on, they had to follow orders, other wise they could have paied the price. And like others have said, back then Germany face first in the ground.
And when the Nazies maneged to convince the people of the glory that they were going to return to Germany, people belived it. In a Germany where there was no hope in the government, the Nazi party convinced the people that they were that hope.
Natzi leaders, ignorant. Nazti soldiers, desperate and misled.
The people may have been fighting for what they thought were right, but I still hate them, though not at a personal level.
Someone trains a bunch of dogs to attack people randomly; just because they don't know what they are doing is wrong and it is not their faults they were raised that way, I am still going to hate them. I would just hate their trainers more. Same for natzi soldiers and leaders.
That was weird and a little creepy. You sounded like the old lady in this old movies who will never speak, but then says that one creepy statement in a creepy way.