My school is like almost full African American and they were going crazy. I guess its good for them to finally have an afr. american prez, plus he looks like hes gonna help the economy and stuff.
Just wait till the first Latino prez!!! Nah, i wouldnt care. If the president was the same race as me for the first i really wouldnt care. I would actually like to have another good white prez than a bad latino prez
ill be happy as soon he fixs america in our time of crisses with the ecominey and all
I love how people just want him to fix everything first before they 'like him'. Of course, everyone apparently loved Bush until he helped along our country's early mid-life crisis, I think we're loosing our hair now >_<
They aren't take any chances...
That thing was supposedly to be air-sealed, so no chemical gases could get in, bomb proof, so even if they shot a rocket at the thing it wouldn't be blown to bits, and covered in about a phone-book-thick layer of metal, wowz. That's my future car, alongside the Popemobile =P
I would actually like to have another good white prez than a bad latino prez
So what your pretty much saying is that Latins aren't capable of doing big stuff? Your alos saying that, (not trying to start a racism act) white people are smarter than Latins and that they wouldn't be able to control such power. Let me just say this any race is capable of completeing anything.
So what your pretty much saying is that Latins aren't capable of doing big stuff? Your alos saying that, (not trying to start a racism act) white people are smarter than Latins and that they wouldn't be able to control such power. Let me just say this any race is capable of completeing anything.
Ummmmmm, no I don't think so. He's saying that while it would be nice to have a Latino president he wouldn't want just any old Latino to get thrown up there and run the country. If a Latino and white candidate were running against each other and he found the white candidate to have better foundation he would choose him over the Latino despite him being the same race or so.
You racist jerks need to just go live in another country.
So what your pretty much saying is that Latins aren't capable of doing big stuff? Your alos saying that, (not trying to start a racism act) white people are smarter than Latins and that they wouldn't be able to control such power. Let me just say this any race is capable of completeing anything.
hey, hey wait up!
I am latino!! Im just saying that it wouldnt be a big deal if a latino prez gets elected, since it is my race. And that if it was either a hispanic guy who is not so good, or another white president that is good, i would go for the white president. I joke about my race sometimes, but i think that no matter your race, you can be capable of becoming anything.