it is a joke lets just hope hes better then nixon. and just becuase he a dem. dosent mean hes bad ,yes there was better reb. prezs but what r u going to do
Just wanted to clarify: This thread is going to be the official Obama/inauguration thread. There are way to many circulating around, so to condense them the others will be locked and everyone is encouraged to continue the discussions HERE.
I was about to make a thread specifically about talking about the inauguration in either one of the two bigger threads, but I was reluctant on doing so. XD
Did anyone have friends/family that actually went? I couldn't stand going there with another hundred thousand people... and on such a cold day too!
Well it's wonderful, watching the Inauguration in the morning at School was delightful. Wasted time and had no homework, crap I remember I had homework but still he could do very well and maybe change the history and style of Americans. Or maybe could be assassinated for his color and not his heart.,
Ok I hate the idea that he made history by the color of his skin he isn't even 100% African American! I think that if he drives this country to the ground they won't be elect African Americans anymore.