Ummmmmm, no I don't think so. He's saying that while it would be nice to have a Latino president he wouldn't want just any old Latino to get thrown up there and run the country. If a Latino and white candidate were running against each other and he found the white candidate to have better foundation he would choose him over the Latino despite him being the same race or so.
Exactly, thanx Raptor Exx. Explained exactly wat i was tryn to say
wow this whole thread feels like a joke.I got off today because the meteorologists said we would have tons of snow,and the school districts believed them(we get off days for when we get alot of snow,but this snow never came even though we got off school anyways...lucky me).Either way I got to watch the inauguration at home,instead of taking exams at school and well...not watching it at all.Its obvious some people really don't like him but truthfully this is the first time I actually paid attention to one of the speeches,and I was surprised that even though he knows how to write nice sounding speeches.I think his true to pay attention to was the one he gave on the say he was elected,and to tell you the truth this one felt a bit recycled from that speech since it had a lot fo the same messages and even words within it.It added a few things pertaining to race and all of that and a few other things that I forgot about,but other then that it reminded me too much of the other speech.Other then that I was impressed by the amount of people who showed up there.Not surprised but impressed,as from what I could see,it looked like it easily outmatched the amount of people who were at the "I have a dream" speech of Martin Luther King Jr. and in fact i have never really seen a speech that had near 2 million people attend them in person(if you have then do tell) but whether you like him or not at the actual inauguration they still seemed to have more protesters from bush then the new incoming president although that is no shock,it still makes the statement all the more clear that whether a bunch of freshman on a gaming site like him or not he is our new president and one with quite a good approval rating.
What was the number again? 67? 87? I know that Bush's final approval rating was in the low 20s. (*Laff*) Wouldn't surprise me... Man, I gotta get me one o' them trumpets though. It had GOT to be longer than the guys themselves =)
it still makes the statement all the more clear that whether a bunch of freshman on a gaming site like him or not he is our new president and one with quite a good approval rating.
So if I'm a Sophomore does that mean I'm important and my opinion counts??? =P
I just always remind myself that the last time the economy was in the toilet (the late '70's), a liberal democrat(Carter) was brought into office and the economy almost collapsed. Gas prices tripled almost overnight, there was runaway inflation, and home loan interest rates were in the double digits.
Then Reagan got elected in '80. You know the rest of the story. =)
Everybody all ready knew he was going to be president even before Mcain , and Obama squared off . One reason is , because the "OBAMA MEDIA" has taken over.All thees democrats , and liberals think he's a God of some kind....What a joke.