Ugh. The Rapture is basically the Seven years, the Tribulation, the Anti-Christ's rise to power. Armageddon clearly translated is the last battle between God and Evil, the Day of Judgment. Basically Armageddon is God taking his super laser and blowing the Earth to chunks.
Now I'm confused. Everything I've ever heard about a rapture has been an instantaneous sort of disappearance of all the good little Christians on the planet. And this is supposed to happen before the 7 years of tribulation. At least, this is what I've always heard.
Well, only God knows when and how the rapture will happen. We don't know if humans will disappear or just look like the have died, and we don't know if the rapture will happen before,during, or after the tribulation.
Anyone have an answer to why god needlessly created a place for all people who don't follow his already insanely difficult to believe doctrine to burn forever? Why didn't he just destroy lucifer??!?!?
Okay, let's stay on task, though. I would like to bring up my earlier objection, then, that the rapture is not mentioned in the bible. I would also like to point out that from what I can tell most of people on this thread have equivocated the rapture with Armageddon. So I guess my objection/question is 2-pronged: 1) Is there conclusive evidence in the bible for the rapture? 2) Do most Christians who accept the rapture seriously not understand what it is, or just a lot of the people on this thread?
I believe the Rapture is mentioned, but not with that name. It's pretty much like Kirby said. I suggest reading the Left Behind series, it gives the best description.
Not exactly I believe the Rapture is when the Devil comes from Hell and rules the Earth. The oceans are turned to blood and the people left behind are tortured by him and his demons.
Okay, seriously. I'm not a Christian, but I know that's not even close to what is described in the bible. It's Jesus that's supposed to come down and reign while Satan is finally ultimately defeated (assuming Satan is that 7-horned beast). I think I have the answers I needed now about the rapture. Now I just need to find out if most Christians in general have no idea what the hell it is. But if anyone can procure a biblical quote that somehow makes reference to the rapture, I would really appreciate a message on my profile with the quote
the one part of the bible the rapture is even considered is the two is in the field one is taken the other is left it is never called a rapture but this could just be when the weeds are taken out of the field we don't know but there is no large proff to support a rapture
Actually Satan or Lucifer was teh most beautiful angel. He was jealouse of God and wanted to be equal. He was cast out of Heaven into hell. Satan Is reffered to as the 7 horned beast but he is very easily mistaken as a angel so you must not get confused so he won't trick you.