I can safely say I have never encountered this problem. What is a typical conversation where someone needs to state their religious beliefs spontaneously like you said?
By th way i'm an atheist (sorry it was there I had to use it)
Really? You all haven't encountered this problem? I have nothing against them but, whenever I try to talk to someone on this site, they're usually atheist, and they're not afraid to stick it in your face.
they're usually atheist, and they're not afraid to stick it in your face.
Thats what I mean.
I have also noticed that alot of gamers that I have met on Xbox Live, armorgames, etc. etc. are usually atheist. How do I know that they are Atheist? Because they tell me!
I never realised this was an issue. but was it necessary to make a thread about in world events. By the way are these people friends or just acquaintances.
There is a 'Who is a Christian' thread on this site
There is a similar atheist thread though the christian one was made first.
By the way are these people friends or just acquaintances.
Well, I don't have many Atheist 'friends' because... 1.I live in a generally christian community and 2.Well...there really isn't a number 2...
This is a good question though pixie, Most of them aren't friends or even people I know very well. It's usually just random people I meet on games and forums. Thanks.
You're taling this completely out of context and making atheists look like blabbering fools who can't keep themselves from blurting it out. If you know that someone is atheist it is porbably because they have been involved in some sort of discussion on the forum related to the topic.
Well, this brings up an import..I'M A $@?!%# ATHEIST...ant point. Some people just feel the ur...GOD IS DEAD AND NO ONE CARES..ge to point out their religious standings no mat..I DON'T PRAY TO FALSE GODS..ter what the conversation is about. I call that "Religious Tour...YOU ARE YOUR OWN GOD..ettes."
It happens on both sides of the religion fence. And it get's ann...JESUS WAS BLACK..oying after a while, doesn't it?
Never happened to me, at least not before I became friends with them. But the forumthing is right, as people usually states their religion (or lack thereof) to explain why they think like they do. I do as well, because I often end up beingin the middle of the two groups. But it is not something regular to me, and not a problem either. I think it might happen if someone know you are a christian and is biased about christian habits of trying to convert. "I am an atheist" usually means "I do not care what you think you can do, I will not listen". With that said, to me it is just people trying to explain their actions. Nothing wrong with that. So.. I am christian and a scientist. I am fluffed, eh?