No they will continue, saying see now they retreated, we go on the offensive. Even if there is a ceasefire, it won't be for long, Presidents are just too big headed. I believe the middle-east started it first >_<.
also true, but what are we PRECISELY fighting for; for world safety, or to show the rest of the world America can defeat any enemy? Also i still doesnt understand why muslim fundamentalists believe they must kill hundreds of people so THEY can get twelve virgins(they didnt ever say they were female (achmed the dead terrorist xD)) and go to a happy place. doesnt that sound arrogant?
Terrorism is in the eye of the beholder. To many Afghans and Iraqis, it is the ISAF forces who are the terrosists. The only real way to stop terrorism is to withdraw from the region, although because of the oil, that's never going to happen.
That is the war that is currently happening now mate, the War on Terror. It seems to be a losing battle and one sided, but what can you do to try and stop terror when it's everywhere?
This "War on Teror" is it just on Terror (that affects the US) Its all well and good making patriotic speeches and such but there is alot more out there than the middle east.
This "War on Teror" is it just on Terror (that affects the US) Its all well and good making patriotic speeches and such but there is alot more out there than the middle east.
What are you saying...?
Are you saying it is good we are eliminating terrorists, but we need to expand are start taking care of other problems (like economical and environmental). in the Middle East?
I mean that their is the IRA and ETA and so much more outside of the middle east. It isn;t a war on terror if you're going to concerntrate on only Islamic fundamentalists. I don't agree with the war anyway I can't see it doing anything other than inciting more hatred to the west etc.
Seriously? Iraq is almost completely terrorist free. Almost all the provinces are under Iraqi government control. The citizens have electricity 12 hours out of the day.
As for Afghanistan and Pakistan, we are losing ground, but that is only because of lack of troops because they were needed in Iraq. Now Obama is doing exactly what he should do, he is withdrawing troops, but not bringing them but to the rest of the Middle East where they can provide serious back up that has been desperately needed and shift the tide of the battle against the Taliban.
As for other terrorism through out the world, at this point Gaza is not a big world threat, renegade terrorists in Pacific Asia and Spain are not world threats, so they can be dealt with later.
I mean that their is the IRA and ETA and so much more outside of the middle east. It isn;t a war on terror if you're going to concerntrate on only Islamic fundamentalists. I don't agree with the war anyway I can't see it doing anything other than inciting more hatred to the west etc.
Ok, i see what you mean.
The reason we are focusing on the Middle East is because the other organizations are not major threats to the region or world. The Taliban, for example, have taken over cities and has the Afghanistan government hostage.
In Iraq Saddam Hussein (was) trying to expand outward and was invading innocent helpless countries like Kuwait.
So once those are dealt with, everything else can be dealt with.
other than inciting more hatred to the west etc.
The level of hatred that had towards use initially was insane, and it will never go down. So at this point pushing it up more won't matter because it is already at the utmost extreme levels.
As for the IRA, they pull of some killings, but they are not looking to wipe out Ireland or take over surrounding countries. So they come after the world threats.
As for the ETA, they are to small and there motives suit. They can be dealt with later as well.
Now Obama is doing exactly what he should do, he is withdrawing troops, but not bringing them but to the rest of the Middle East where they can provide serious back up that has been desperately needed and shift the tide of the battle against the Taliban.
He already sent 15,000+ troops to Afghanistan. What the hell are you talking about?
I think war is virtually unavoidable. As long as there are different views, there is going to be fighting, which leads to war. It is in human nature to get agressive when someone does not agree with you, I think. Also, I do not support war, but I also think that war is necessary to progress society. If you think about it, if there was not any fighting when people disagree, where would we be? Didn't we leap forward in technology because we tried to keep up with all the other countries? I don't like war, but I think it's inevitable and necessary.
The only real way to stop terrorism is to withdraw from the region
well not really we just wouldn't know about it if we left
America cannot bust down the door every time someone does something that isn't viewed to be right
well the taliban we're threatening the national security of the United States i think attacking the taliban was a good idea because if we didn't another terrorist attack would have happened now the taliban doesn't have the resources or the man power to pull off another major attack against the united states
I don't know what to say when I see people talking about war like it's something ordinary. It's easy to talk about it while sitting in a comfortable chair in a worm home. I'm only 19 and I've seen two wars as a child(felt one and the consequences of other). It's a terrible thing. I'll remain total pacifist for the rest of my life.