NO war!...the war is destroing the world...(and terra)..."but in rome total war" was a strange thing : "The Peace is maked with hands"...anyone know what mean?
NO war!...the war is destroing the world...(and terra)..."but in rome total war" was a strange thing : "The Peace is maked with hands"...anyone know what mean?
plus it costs tens of thousands of dollars for each bomb and bombing campaigns have never destroyed an enemy's will to fight it just strengthens their resolve
Ya, until we drop some big a*s nukes on their heads.
Hippies and Liberals, thats what 90% of this thread is made up of. People, Iraq has little to do with terrorism and nothing to do with oil. It was about Saddam Hussein( or So Dam Insane as I like to call him) from commiting any more genocides AGAINST HIS OWN PEOPLE and making sure Iraq doesn't end up like Afganistan in 1989. A TOTAL mess. President Bush was very good President in my opinion, since 9/11 we have not had a single attack on U.S. soil. I'm not saying he single handedly stopped all of them, it was a joint effort to stop any attacks anywhere, we just help stop our own, and if it's based out of the UK, they help us, France, the same. We don't help them because 1. it's not based out of the U.S. and 2. people like you Liberals will keep on very biasedly ranting that we're in everybodys buisness. I know people are going to take 95% of what I just said out of context and make it like I hate Liberals, well to put all your fears aside, I DO. War is a necissary fact of life. You would not have the computer your looking at right now without it, you would have that canned soup you had for lunch, you would not have the GPS you used to get to work. Those are just a few of the many things that came out of war.
War is necessary like TSL said. Just remember this, no mater what our opinion is, war will always be present, no matter what we as humans do . The last war ever fought, is most likely the war that will destroy humanity.
War is bad, but sometimes we pretty much have to go to war. Preventive war is plain idiotic, because it erases any chance for negotiation, but sometimes you have to retaliate against a violent attack.
Why does there have to be negotiation when they attack us unprovoked and kill 3000 innocent lives? Was there negotiations when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor? No. Same then, same now.
It is impossible to negotiate with people who will kill you if you come within a 100 miles of them. There are reasons we don't negotiate. If we went to war with, for instance, Russia, negotiations could be achieved, but we are dealing with a faceless, cowardice enemy that is like a cancer. They are infectious convicing and very very dangerous.