I have both a Mac and a PC, i find the Mac to be a bit high strung and really annoying sometimes. I just want to see the opinions of other people. In my opinion, I like the PC. Only because it's pretty standard and has great quality. Mac is confusing and makes me mad. >:-(
I mean, I've used photoshop on MAC & PC. There's not much of a difference at all.
Photoshop is not a Mac application, it is a Adobe software product, which can be run on any platform, and it runs the same way. Mac is just faster and more efficient, things like GarageBand are Mac Applications, there are many, many more Applications built in on a Mac for Macs only, which is huge advantage.
there are many, many more Applications built in on a Mac for Macs only, which is huge advantage.
Okay, so then why discount all of the applications that are coded for PCs only that don't run on MACs at all? Of which there are *far* more, making the advantage in that particular argument clearly on the side of the PC market.
The reason why I selected photoshop is because it's made for both platforms - MACs don't run it any better then a PC, hence an accurate comparison.
Explain to me why every cooperation, company, inc., designer, creator, ect,. has preferred a Mac over a PC because of software reasons, efficiency reasons, and more options. I say efficient since Macs almost never crash, where on a PC they crash on a regular bases.
Explain to me why every cooperation, company, inc., designer, creator, ect,. has preferred a Mac over a PC because of software reasons, efficiency reasons, and more options.
That's funny, because the major video game development & publishing company I work at uses PC products over MAC. In fact, every IT job I've ever taken or system I've worked on through a volunteer capacity, we've used PC products over MACs.
I say efficient since Macs almost never crash, where on a PC they crash on a regular bases.
My PC crashes about as often as my G5. Which is to say... almost never.
That's funny, because the major video game development & publishing company I work at uses PC products over MAC. In fact, every IT job I've ever taken or system I've worked on through a volunteer capacity, we've used PC products over MACs.
Strange because my dads work uses MACS for there designing and engineering, he works at WPT, I have gone into their main development area and guess what computers they use, MACS. For your work area, they may be using a PC desktop, but is the hard-drive a MAC?
Strange because my dads work uses MACS for there designing and engineering, he works at WPT, I have gone into their main development area and guess what computers they use, MACS. For your work area, they may be using a PC desktop, but is the hard-drive a MAC?
.... is the hard drive a MAC? That is... the most ridiculous thing I've heard in a while. Do you even know anything about how computers work? Hard Drives... are not... PC or MAC. Ever heard the terms 'IDE' or 'SATA'? Apple don't manufacture their own hardware, they buy it OEM from companies that build RAM, Hard Drives, Motherboards.
Windows is slow, it gets tons of viruses. the only good thing about Windows is that it can run certain software such as games. Mac is better for everything else. Also, check this out:
If you get 'tons' of viruses on a PC, it's your own fault. I'd like to see you try to prove that MACs are better for 'everything else'.
As for your graphical comparison - you're not even putting up a Dell model that's meant to be competitive with that MAC - here's a Dell product that's an All in one monitor PC:
You can see how accurate that picture is, giving the Idea that PC's need much more work and break down much easier.
Do you work in IT? Do you work at an Apple store? Do you have to fix MACs when they break? I do. I have a buddy who works at an Apple store as the tech that fixes them when they break, and he's always busy. Not only is the interior case design a huge pain in the ass, but I get tickets for MACs just as often as I do for PCs - there's not many in the building, and yet, I still seem to have to fix them over, and over, and over again. Maybe before making claims as to MAC being the best at everything, you should know some of this crap first.
Pc of course, it's better suited for gaming and the only reason a mac gets less virus's is due to the lack of popularity when people were making all the virus's.